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Old 08-14-2024, 01:42 AM   #209
vetmin's Arena
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Join Date: Sep 2019
Re: NBA 2K25 Wishlist

Originally Posted by papaey
How is that is not an issue?
When I say it's "not an issue," I mean it's not a bug or glitch. You were originally complaining about "the option to edit weight" being "there but not working," when it does work exactly as 2K intended (and the same way it's always worked and will work in 2K25, at least as far as we know), i.e., as a non-visual, purely numerical edit.

Obviously it'd be cool if 2K redesigned the non-CAP player models to be able to dynamically and realistically accumulate weight, but that would be an entirely new feature, not something that's already "there but not working." This is what was confusing about your original comment; it's worded as if there's something broken that you want 2K to fix, when in actuality a dynamic weight selector that has a visual effect on the player would be a totally new addition (which, by all accounts so far, you're still not going to get in 2K25).

By editing the weight and height would fix the player to court ratio if its VISIBLE...
You're conflating three separate things: the internal proportions of a player model vs. the scaling of that player model vs. the proportion of that scaled player model to the court.

For example, see the attached Wilt Chamberlain screenshots (2K23 on PC, though the stuff below works the same in all new-gen 2Ks as well).

Exhibit A: Normal Wilt. 7'1", 275 lbs.

Exhibit B: Same, just from the side.

Exhibit C: Weight raised to 350 lbs. As you can see, the player model doesn't change at all. It looks the same as Exhibit B even though he's 75 lbs. heavier now. This isn't a bug in the game; it's how 2K intends it to work. This is also how it will work in 2K25 (at least based on what's been announced to this point).

Exhibit D: Weight returned to normal, but height raised to 7'7". As you can see, the player model does scale up with changes to height, but the internal proportions of the player model remain unchanged. It's not that his torso is getting longer... literally the entire model is simply 7% larger, even his head. This is how 2K intends it to work and also how it will work in 2K25 (at least based on what's been announced so far).

Exhibit E: Side-by-side-by-side comparison of Wilt at 7'7", 7'1", and 5'4". This is just to drive home the point above that the internal proportions of the player model cannot be changed in-game (i.e., they are fixed in place).* Look at Wilt's head. As you lower his height, it's not that he just gets shorter; his whole body gets tinier by the same percentage. Look at that shrunken 5'4" head compared to the width of the 7'7" one (per the horizontal red line). It's like Honey, I Shrunk The Kids.

*...except for waist position and wingspan, which don't impact a player's visible height / weight.

All of the above will be identical in 2K25, which means your wish for any sort of change to "the option to edit weight" will go unfulfilled. Your ability to edit weight will be identical to previous games, at least based on all announcements so far.

The only thing that will change is that, in 2K25, the non-user-controlled game engine will take Wilt—at whatever height we set him at—and make him appear 5-10% smaller on the court than he would have at that height number in previous games. This happens totally under the hood; our ability to edit anything will remain the same, as far as we know. Edits to height will scale the entire player model up or down, same as before; edits to weight will have no visual impact, same as before.

If adjusted player-to-court ratio was a different wishlist item you were thinking of, that's great, but that's not what you specified earlier and not what I was responding to.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg exhibitA.jpg (82.3 KB, 78 views)
File Type: jpg exhibitB.jpg (75.7 KB, 79 views)
File Type: jpg exhibitC.jpg (75.2 KB, 77 views)
File Type: jpg exhibitD.jpg (85.6 KB, 78 views)
File Type: png exhibitE.png (1.58 MB, 78 views)

Last edited by vetmin; 08-14-2024 at 02:01 AM.
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