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Old 09-06-2024, 08:43 AM   #7
alabamarob's Arena
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Re: New Rhythm Mechanic

Originally Posted by HMcCoy
I messed around with this a bit, seems that hitting up on the stick at the same time as the release point is all that matters whether you do it slow or fast. The actual shot speed sorta determines that timing though. A quick release shot means you gotta hit that "up" input quickly, which makes sense. Been working on it because it seems perfect rhythm guarantees a swish.
Ton high risk that is correct, but on normal risk that is not the case. There is no guaranteed green on normal risk
Psn: Alabamarob
Xbox: Alabama Rob

Youtube: 2k Hawks

Settings I play on.
Minutes: 12
Difficulty: HOF
Online or Offline player: Both
In a MLO: Yes
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