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Old 09-26-2024, 02:27 PM   #6
Five Becomes Four
Hooe's Arena
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Re: Under Center POWER Offense

Originally Posted by awill25
What gives?
College football by and large is no longer played from under center and hasn't been for years. An offense needs to have to have a dominant offensive line to consistently run an under-center pro-style offense in college. Often it is more valuable for an offense to use the threat of a running quarterback as a +1 in the run game via shotgun zone read or inverted veer because college offensive lines are so inconsistent.

Generally speaking, it is difficult at any level of football for an offense to just line up and impose its will on a defense anymore. Successful modern rushing attacks must read defensive fronts presnap, get into the correct run blocking concept to effectively attack the front, and use motion to slow down defenders pre-snap add blockers into the play post-snap. The resurgent under-center rushing offenses in the NFL such as those run by the Dolphins, Lions, and 49ers all implement these ideas into their run game. Offenses which just line up and call Power without any shifts, motions, or any regard for the opposing defensive configuration are lazy and easier for a defense to key in upon and stuff.
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