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Old 10-09-2024, 03:06 PM   #88
GoDucks1224's Arena
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Re: 2024 Uniform Updates Thread

Originally Posted by ReturnoftheTmac
Man, once you notice that white helmet issue it’s hard to look past. You can really tell on the bumper on front of the helmet when they’re also white. The white there is how the helmets should look.
I know right? The problem is that EA seems to coloring the helmets off white by default, rather than making them white and letting their lighting system change the color. Cause during night games, and even some overcast games, white helmets in real life absolutely do look like they're slightly off. Or in some cases (Stanford home games in particular I've noticed) the lights make them look REALLY off white. But the thing is, when they do the zoomed in shots from field level, the helmets don't look as off white. Because it's something to do with the overhead shot and the artificial lighting. (IRL) But in game, because the helmets seem to be off white by default, it looks even more exaggerated. There are some white helmets in game that are less off white, and some that are even more than others. For example, Texas and Ole Miss seem to have helmets that are MORE off white. Those ones look bad even during noon games. I've tried sharing screenshots comparing real life night game shots vs in game shots on Twitter, EA's forums, here, Instagram. But no one from EA has ever acknowledged them. So it is what it is I guess. But I flat out cannot do a dynasty with a team with a white helmet as their primary helmet. It just looks so awful to me, and I can't stand looking at it.
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