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Old 10-11-2024, 09:30 AM   #39
James Rodriguez
OVR: 0
Join Date: Oct 2024
Re: Undisputed Deluxe WBC Edition Launches Today - Post Your Impressions

Originally Posted by kingsofthevalley
Ok, the 0.5 is off. It appears to be the lower this number is, the lesser effects. Just used it and A.I. stamina isn’t going down at all.

Went up to 1.5 and that did the trick. Wouldn’t go up higher than that as it seemed like AI couldn’t manage it and burned itself out (could’ve been that particular AIs aggressive style tho, they all have different styles).

Either way, it may need to be patched because whatever setting you pick , the players stamina burns much quicker with less output. Player has to slow your output waaay down.
I see you liked my wishlist for realistic movements. Are there any changes you want to see in Fighter's style to add to my wishlist? I played with RJJ today, the bigger version in red shorts, very realistic but missing those quick loose shots he did to go inside and missing those quick reflex shots he could do while backing up.

My only problem is movements. I just want that authentic experience; it doesn't need to be 100%, but I would take 80

Last edited by James Rodriguez; 10-11-2024 at 09:33 AM.
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