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Old 12-02-2024, 07:50 PM   #4869
OVR: 3
Join Date: Mar 2003
Re: List of Classic Seasons & Historical Specialty Rosters MLB The Show

I'll have to check it but it is almost a shame he focused on 2000 after this fantastic 2001 release. I still enjoy the 1998, 1981, 1990 and 1984 rosters on 23 version (the 81 and 90 especially). I think this 2001 roster is really good from what I have seen. Part of me wishes they would use player scans for the available Legends but I get why they don't as well. But that being said, some of the created faces are really close. Even for a team like the 2001 Brewers who were bad and somewhat obscure. The created Richie Sexson, Geoff Jenkins, Jose Hernandez, Jeremy Burnitz all are good enough to make it feel like it is them. Obviously not all players are but the batting stances and pitching motions are also good for a good illusion as to playing with the 2001 teams.

Playing these rosters vs something like the 1983 Bucks on NBA 2K isn't really that much different for the players without face scans (for example the created 2001 Brewers Geoff Jenkins looks better than the Bucks Paul Pressey in 2K). I think that is the most amazing thing to me. Ratings are hard I'm sure as well but to take the time to try and get the players to look as close as possible to the real person is impressive. These rosters have to have a ton of man hours put in them. I really encourage everyone to at least test them out and play a few games if even a passing interest in historical rosters. I used to brush off rosters like this as "user creations and not real so not worth my time" but I was wrong...these are fun for trips down memory lane.

I find it fun to mix in some games in these franchises along with current to just mix it up for a change of pace. My favorite era is still the mid 80s but these are all fun.
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