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Old 12-06-2024, 02:29 PM   #34
Twitch/YouTube: Fiddy14
Fiddy's Arena
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Re: NHL 25 Patch 1.3.0 Arrives Tomorrow - Patch Notes

Originally Posted by trentlane
I have quite opposite impression tbh. Played on default sliders, but with 6 min periods (superstar, 6/6). Shots are 27-31, score just 2-1. Goalies are pretty realistic so far.
For as much as I love my adjusted sliders for a bit better gameplay experience I always find myself going back to as close to default as possible. I just feel from the games I've played that the CPU teams play so much more aggressive on default settings than they do with adjusted sliders.

I just played one play now game on NHL 25 default sliders, 3 min periods, legit out of the box settings no changes at all Pens 3 Rangers 2 Final! Pens with 17 shots, Rangers 19 shots. 43 combined hits. 1 power play for each team.

I've went through the leaky goalies prior to the patch and seemed to point to AE being at 10. Really no issues when set to 5 and or 7 max.

By far this is the most frustrating sports game slider wise. Don't know what works, if anything actually works.. UGH

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