Overall vs. Players' Most Impactful Attributes
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12-18-2024, 01:57 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2016
Re: Overall vs. Players' Most Impactful Attributes
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Speed and agility for toss and stretch. High juke and spin for those elusive outside runners too. 3-3-5. MLB can be a total run stopper bc he’s got two more lbs outside him. Remember your safeties will often be down making you a 3-5 if your in cover three or any kind of man or man free. So they’ll be your coverage guys along with F’d and cb. In real life your weakside lb would be more coverage based in case you played a two high but he’s only responsible for curls seams and flats. Your strong lb has a safety outside him all the time so he’s a hook zone player but can be more of a run stopper if you like. In the game I don’t know if they flip strong and weak. I think it’s right and left so it doesn’t matter.
Does the game place the weak side LB in the formation correctly when you call a defensive play? Do I have to flip the play? Would it be better if EA called the positions weak OLB and strong OLB instead of ROLB and LOLB?
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