Its the same thing with the Jake Paul model, its like they did a different scan process or either entered the proportions wrong. His player model has a more bulked build than the normal roster, looks like it was magnified (you know, how you can press the + or - on an adobe pdf and magnify it), and he's taller than boxers that are supposed to be taller than him. No idea how that can bleed over to created fighters but it appears it can.
Guys need a seasoned dev to come in and look at the code because wacked out things are happening with the patches. Actually, I don't thing I can say a seasoned developer because the EA sports titles have the same issues with patches breaking other things and they're a much bigger company. Biggest thing that got me with the last patch is somehow after they fixed the crashes in career mode, the "measured" step movement in the regular stance disappeared, I'm like, come on guys