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Old 01-27-2025, 05:33 PM   #134
Majingir's Arena
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Re: The Official 2024-25 Season Talk Thread

Originally Posted by DrJones
NHL announced today that there is no suspension. If I'm Hockey Canada and USA Hockey, I'd make it pretty clear that uninjured players who skip the 4 Nations can kiss the 2026 Olympics goodbye. Don't want a repeat of the Canada Cup days when Ray Bourque and Patrick Roy would regularly bail.

Also, I suspect the NHL will soon be kicking itself for not scheduling this tournament last season instead.
I'd make that point clear to players too. If you bail and aren't actually injured/missing time leading up to the tournament, you're not even being looked at in 2026 because how can you be trusted?

As for the whole anthem thing, I'll just leave it at this...anthems shouldn't be in any sporting event outside of national team games. It's not because of anything political, I dont care if its only the US anthem for US vs US team or both if its US team vs Canadian team, or just Canadian anthem it its Canadian vs Canadian, I just don't think there's much need to do anthems at some random game just because "tradition".
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