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Old 02-04-2025, 05:07 PM   #3
MrArlingtonBeach's Arena
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Join Date: Feb 2009
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Re: PGA Tour 2K25 Hands-On Preview - A Noticeable Improvement

Originally Posted by gsize19
How's the commentary? Do they have actually broadcast commentary or a lame person with lame repetitive one liners like in past versions of TGC and 2k Golf?

In career, will you be battling pro golfers or fictional golfer names? In career, will you be separated male and female? I should NOT be facing LPGA players in career when I am a male created player and vice versa.

Player customization, is it still very lacking on how you can customize your player, or will they allow similar customization as you would see in MLB The Show?

Is it in the works to get all four majors licenses?
1) In career, it's Andrew Catalon and Rich Beem in the booth. The other guy, John, is still in the game in local rounds and on-course in career.

2) Real golfers are on the leaderboards...we saw that in the last Dev Diary video. All indications are that LPGA pros are also in career mode once again, as they are shown as rivals.

3) There's a demo out today that allows you to try MyPlayer creation...looks much deeper than 2K23.

4) They have 3 of the 4 majors in 2K25...PGA, US Open, and The Open. No mention of Augusta at this point.
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