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Old 02-11-2025, 07:01 PM   #5
MetsFan16's Arena
OVR: 4
Join Date: Nov 2011
Re: Realistic stadium creator wish list

I was all over stadium creator when it was first released. Haven't touched it since.

Biggest eye sores for me are the bullpen/foul territories and bland walls.

If they added bullpen templates (even if it's 1 or two) just to get them off the field and same with foul territories, the mode would feel so much fresher and more enticing.

The walls are also a deal breaker, at the minimum, wall distance markers, more extreme would be fake ads. Even if it's just wall distance and a yellow stripe at the top it'd add so much.

Domes are meh to me, I feel like that take so much memory and leave little room to build.
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