It's been a spell since we last spoke, but yeah... we communicated in the HB Forum and played a couple of rounds in online multiplayer. You know me as J Cauthen from that forum and my Gamer tag.
I agree with you for the most part on the physics. They are the best I've seen. I'm hoping that I'll get a better feel for the putting as my attribute points are applied to putting weight and putting rhythm. I'm not "feeling" the mass of the putter or the ball in the way I'd like with my Technician archetype player.
I've turned off the "putting rhythm" in the difficulty settings and that has helped some with a more solid feel, but I feel like I'm cheesing the intent of the game in doing this. Still, that is giving me the best experience with the game so far. I'm playing with the swing bias off on a flat lie. Something just doesn't quite wash with my intuition about having to execute a diagonal swing path to hit a straight shot off a flat or gently sloped lie!
Anyway, good to hear from you again and I trust you and your family are doing well!