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Old 03-08-2025, 10:17 AM   #3
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Re: For those franchise users who missed this regarding progression/regression

Originally Posted by brunopuntzjones
I always figured there was a random element involved. I distinctly remember a franchise a few years ago where Mike Trout's ratings fell off a cliff out of nowhere and he'd sunk into the mid 70s by his early-mid 30s. I also once had a generated catcher who I picked up in a trade, rapidly developed into a stud with a 90 overall by age 22 or so, and then lost to free agency, only to see him down in the 50s just a few years later.

The thing is, I never thought it was necessarily age itself, since in the latter case the guy wasn't even in his 30s when he washed out. I had figured decline set in/accelerated when guys were around 10 years of service time, whether they hit it at 29 or 34 (even though, again, the second one was a wild exception).
Now looking back some things make sense. I recently simmed my mlbts23 franchise to the end of 2035 and Sal Frelick at age 35 is 91 contact 97 power vs rhp. The problem is only 2 drafted players are 80 contact and 80 power which is a major problem. From 23 to 35 only 2 legit power hitters in all of mlb who were generated.

I'd say they need to take a look at the dice roll and retool it a bit.
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