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Old 05-24-2006, 07:55 PM   #79
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Re: New interview with the NCAA 07 producers

Originally Posted by russell05
BINGO its a balance the producers of EA wants the game to be perfect but then on the other hand EA wants to SELL MORE GAMES to new consumers and casual gamers. Its a hard thing to try and balance last year SIM guys got their wish with the vision cone but that feature did NOT go over well with the casual gamers so now its off by default.

EA is damned if they DO and damned if they DON'T
C'mon now, both sides are making huge assumptions when it comes to "casual" gamers. Most of my friends played Madden less than I did (when the game first came out), yet they were all better at using the cone better than I could. It wasn't perfect in it's implementation, so as such should be an option. I'm not saying this as if it's some definitive statement; just saying that it's hard to say what so-called casual gamers really want.

If EA's going to cater more to these casual gamers, why not NFL Blitz the game up more then making it super-accessible? I can't count the number of times a player like Jamal Lewis is tackled in the open field by a DB and you have someone hurling a controller saying it shouldn't have occurred. Just because people don't take the time to visit videogame football forums doesn't mean they don't understand basic football concepts.
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