Thread: Draft Class
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Old 08-23-2006, 08:55 PM   #3
OVR: 9
Join Date: Nov 2004
Re: Draft Class

Originally Posted by Flipmo23
Unfortunately, the load draft class option in Finn's editor is flawed. When you try to import a custom draft class, the names get all screwed up due to the rookie naming system in the game itself, so really, it's not Finn's fault. I originally wanted to create a draft class that ppl could import to their seasons, but ultimately it didn't work without the names getting screwed up in the process.

The good thing that came out of it was that it lead me to try to get ppl together to work on that community file, I was determined to play with the rookies in some form! Luckily, great guys like Rickster, Mjortman, Flyboy, and many, many others helped out and put together that OS Community File.

But sorry, no luck on exporting a draft class that actually will carry over correctly into the game.
I think the only way the import draft class function would work is if everyone was using the same roster, therefore having the same exact name database. I think you can effectively export and then import a draft class as long as you're using the same roster file for both, I may be mistaken however. Is this what you tried flip?
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