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Behindshadows is offline
# 2
Behindshadows @ Jun 5, 2010
It's people intentions and motives that make that definition relevant. (examples...never saying, the Madden devs, or the Live devs, Visual Concepts, Kush games, etc.)

They straight up make comments like, EA is garbage, everything they make is trash, they will never be 2k, why bother don't buy this crap, the hype machine. 2k for life why buy anything else.

Things and comments like these are what puts bad motives and mindstamps on those who don't know the history. But it also divides us as gamers and puts us into brand categories of fans.

2k has weak graphics engine, sliding, cpu controlling your players due to unstable animations, etc. But it's still getting vote, realistic. lol....Things like that are just right. People need to give them that same bashing or commenting, if they are going to do real comparisons.

I'll go into more details when I finish the basketball series blog.

Again thanks for posting, I value your thoughts and opinions.
Behindshadows is offline
# 1
Behindshadows @ Jun 5, 2010
I appreciate your post on my blog. As far as your comments on part 2 and 3.

#2: I think you misread the intentions of my statements. I'm saying that missing almost everything that feels like football does not warrant a 10. Generic or not, the game is barely a 5...Physics and animations alone do not create fun.

#3: I think you misinterpret my comments or definition of True Gamer, there is absolutely nothing wrong with stating or pointing out flaws in games. No one should ever except a bad game. I was purely stating what is there is warranted and what isn't can be criticized. But when criticism turns into constant bashing that is where it gets out of hand.

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