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xanmank's Chalkboard
ANDROMADA 1 is offline
# 2
ANDROMADA 1 @ Jul 9, 2009
Originally Posted by xanmank
I don't really sell games too much, but ebay is an auction site, so if a game is fairly new, you'd get closer to what you paid for it, instead of just saying whatever and bringing it to gamestop just cuz its easy. Gamestop is only going to give you half of what you just recently paid for the game AT MOST. I only go there to buy used games that are cheap, esp. old PS2 games you can't find anywhere but online (not $55 used PS3 games, that are still that price even after its been out for 6-8 months)
cool,thanks for the tip.
ANDROMADA 1 is offline
# 1
ANDROMADA 1 @ Jul 7, 2009
Whats up man,Just read your post about Madden demo,So you dont like Gm stop?No big deal I only bought from them cause I get employ discount from friends.How does it work when you sell a gm to ebay like in your senerio 2 month old that you bought for 60$?
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