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yamabushi's Chalkboard
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# 49
yamabushi @ Mar 5, 2009
While our economy continues to crumble Obamas pre-teen Treasury sec. is worried about the farce that is ''man made global warming''.....? and taxing oil drilled IN THE US?
Do even liberals believe this buffon anymore?
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# 48
yamabushi @ Mar 3, 2009
Porkulus is Go!! Depsite earmarks and pork the liar and chief said he wouldn’t allow, here they are. Reap what you sow, rubes.
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# 47
yamabushi @ Mar 3, 2009
Chairman Zeros ‘Urban Czar’ un-surprisingly under the microscope for questionable donations.
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# 46
yamabushi @ Mar 3, 2009
Chairman Zero surrenders to Russians on euro missile shield. This guy being Commander and chief would be a laugh riot if it wasn’t so sad.
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# 45
yamabushi @ Feb 25, 2009
Heres a shocker from the offices of Chairman Zero:
‘The US plans to give more than $900 million (what recession?) to help rebuild Gaza after Israel's offensive against Hamas and strengthen the Palestinian Authority.’
If you think this money, your money, will be used for anything by these terrorist, other than building bunkers and buying weapons to kill more innocent Israelis your have your head so buried in the sand I can see the soles of your shoes.
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# 44
yamabushi @ Feb 25, 2009
Mayor Daly (D) of Chicago wants a surveillance camera on Every street corner in the city by 2016, supposedly to curb crime, (And Bush is the fascist…sigh…) How about you Liberals abandon the failed social programs of the 60s + 70s that leave people stuck in a cycle of poverty and welfare in projects and ghettos (probably owned by rezco, obamas buddy) and start letting them take responsibility for themselves?
Oh right…. then they wont vote for you. And that’s what matters most, right?
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# 43
yamabushi @ Feb 24, 2009
Heres a quick quiz for every body: Take a quick look at the most downtrodden crime ridden cities in the country and find the connection.
If you said: long term democratic ‘leadership’ Ding Ding Ding You win!
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# 42
yamabushi @ Feb 24, 2009
Hey Libs, wheres your protest now? Wheres your code pinks and calls for impeachment of The One? As he plans to send 17,000 more troops to Afghanistan? I'm looking forward to your protest in front of the white house.
What's that? Your un-apologetic hypocrites?
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# 41
yamabushi @ Feb 24, 2009
An American Methodist carries out terrorist suicide bombing in Somalia.
Wait, that’s not right……
Shirwa Ahmed is a muslim from Minneapolis. Shocking. (the Minneapolis part not the muslim part)
“this means that the next time a Twin City Mohammedan blows himself up, it could be at the Mall of America. Isn't multiculturalism exciting?”
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# 40
yamabushi @ Feb 24, 2009
Heres a shocker from the offices of Chairman Zero:
“The United States plans to pledge more than $900 million (what recession?) to help rebuild Gaza after Israel's offensive against Hamas and strengthen the Palestinian Authority.
If you think this money, your money, will be used for anything by these terrorist, other than building bunkers and buying weapons with which to kill more innocent Israelis your, quite frankly, an idiot.
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# 39
yamabushi @ Feb 23, 2009
As artic ice continues NOT to melt, Enviro-wack-jobs (see: liberals) continue to push their backwards agenda by protesting a coal power plant. Sure it only produces 56% of Americas power, but who needs to drill for oil or build completely safe nuclear plants when we can all have windmills and oil from are Muslim friends? Seems on pace with Chairman Zeros plan to ruin our country.
Keep your head in the sand America, everything’ll turn out great!
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# 38
yamabushi @ Feb 19, 2009
Chairman Zeros $75 billion mortage bailout? Im sure thatll help a lot of people who bought houses they shouldnt have in the 1st place...... oh wait, its just a 5 year ARM (adjustable rate mortage) werent they part of the problem to begin with?? and 5 years? hmm.. after the next election; how convenient.
Democrats: flushing your money down the toilet since 1828.
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# 37
yamabushi @ Feb 12, 2009
Heres a little something for all the potheads here at OS (you know who you are)

Maybe you can check for lumps during commercial breaks in Adult Swim?
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# 36
yamabushi @ Feb 12, 2009

67% Say They Could Do A Better Job On The Economy Than Congress

Support for Stimulus Package Falls to 37%

75% Oppose Nationalization of U.S. Banks

62% Want Stimulus Plan to Have More Tax Cuts, Less Spending

Keep it up Chairman obama & the rest of the Libs, It'll all turn out just dandy.

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# 35
yamabushi @ Feb 4, 2009
Thats Good Stimulus! $90,000,000 for a far left 'activist' group:
The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights ("LCCR"). The group opposed conservative judges. The group agitates for card check. The group is in favor of the Fairness Doctrine. It is chiefly an agitator for affirmative action programs and tries to pressure banks into giving high risk loans like those that caused the housing crisis. LCCR operates like ACORN. And the Senate Democrats are about to give the $90 million of your money.

The $90,000,000.00 payout is buried in the "stimulus" bill in the section "Digital-to-Analog Converter Program." 'Hope and Change' is all well be left with. Thanks Rubes! If I may paraphrase Christian Bale "What the F*** ARE YOU DEMOCRATS DOING?!"
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# 34
yamabushi @ Feb 4, 2009
Iran launches 1st satellite. But again No need what-so-ever for any type of missle defense, nope, none. In fact lets 'talk' to them they seem to be rational, Im sure Chairman Zero's 'charming' smile will keep them from using their Nuclear bomb theyll have by the end of the year.
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# 33
yamabushi @ Feb 3, 2009
Oh look, No. Korea is going to test a missle capable of hitting the western US. But, Yeah, Obamas right we dont need any kind of missle defense. Idiot.,2933,487085,00.html
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# 32
yamabushi @ Jan 29, 2009
$,000,000 of your money, to Obamas criminal friends in Acorn, voter fraud, registaring the dead and animals to get this buffon elected turns out to be very lucrative.
$50,00,000 for the national endowment for the arts, Man just think of the Jobs thatll create!!!! Rubes.
And Look! More Welfare! $20,000,000 worth. Thatll stimulate...... what exactly?
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# 31
yamabushi @ Jan 29, 2009
the 'Stimlulus Package' passes thru the congress. All Republicans voted 'nay', good for them, showing some backbone.
Lefties; Please defend this r@pe of america. Whats that? you cant? Idiots.
Every Dem that voted for this garbage should be thrown out on their a$$' but they wont because liberals ,Im convinced now, are mentally diseased.
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# 30
yamabushi @ Jan 28, 2009
And here come the 'fairness doctrine'. A more replusive piece of legislation Ive not heard of. Right or Left if this doesnt disgust you, you disgust me.
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# 29
yamabushi @ Jan 28, 2009
Oh Look, Obamas 'special envoy' George Mitchell to the middle east once defended Dubai ruler against a child trafficing suit for $8,000,000. My thats convinient......
Obamas promises of no lobbiest has gone down the tiolet. William Lynn long time defense lobbiest named as #2 to the defense dept.
And of course youve heard he named a tax cheat to head the treasury.
'Hope and change'...... You could tell me you bought the Brooklyn Bridge and look less foolish.
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# 28
yamabushi @ Jan 27, 2009
The Ones first interview goes to...... Al-Arabiya. More cow-towing to and appeaseing of terrorist. His ties were questioned during the election and those questions were dismissed by the MSM and ignored by rubes.
Feel your guts turn -
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# 27
yamabushi @ Jan 27, 2009
Egyptian Cleric Amin Al-Ansari Justifies the Holocaust, Airs Footage, and Declares: ''This Is What We Hope Will Happen But, Allah Willing, at the Hand of the Muslims''
But..... Obama says were on a 'path to prosperity and security'?
'Change we can believe in' (unless your jewish, of course)
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# 26
yamabushi @ Jan 23, 2009
Heres the link with video of the Robert Reichs racist comments. bring your barf bag.
It makes me ill that people are so ill-informed, are such rubes as to elect this unqaulified demagogue.
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# 25
yamabushi @ Jan 23, 2009
Not even a week in and its already turning into a circus in DC: Robert Reich Obamas Socialist Economic advisor on the stimulus package - "I am concerned, as many of you are that these jobs not simply go to high skilled people who are already professionals or to WHITE MALE construction workers"
Imagine Dick cheneny saying he did want jobs to go to Black male construction workers.
Id love to hear an obama supporter defend this. But I wont, because they cant. Sickening.
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# 24
yamabushi @ Jan 22, 2009
'The Obamessiahs' first call as president:
You guessed it to anti-semite, holocaust denier, and funder of the 72 munich massacre Mahmoud Abbas. a quote from the Ones new friend: "The sons of Israel are corrupting humanity on earth"
Stay classy POTUS!
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# 23
yamabushi @ Jan 22, 2009
More truths you wont hear from the MSM:
"Bush leaves office with the lowest approval rating" False. Truman and Nixon both had lower and Kennedy's was in free fall from the bay of pigs before he was assassinated.
Most watched Inauguration: Ronald Reagan
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# 22
yamabushi @ Jan 21, 2009
Oh look, ...the worst Inauguration day sell-off in History. meh... theyre just evil busnisses... wait who employees me again?
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# 21
yamabushi @ Jan 21, 2009

The earth's temperature peaked in 1998. It's been falling ever since; it dropped dramatically in 2007 and got worse in 2008, when temperatures touched 1980 levels.
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# 20
yamabushi @ Jan 21, 2009
Day 1: *The Ones* first act? coddeling terrorist. You reap what you sow.

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# 19
yamabushi @ Jan 20, 2009
Well look at that, terrorist at the inaug. again, if your surprised your completely un-informed and need to get your head out of the sand. 'Elections have consequences'.
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# 18
yamabushi @ Jan 16, 2009
Oh corrupt, backwards, idiotic UN. Why does this cabal of crooks and lowlifes still exsist? On our shores?
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# 17
yamabushi @ Jan 15, 2009
Inaugiration cost for the last 3 presidents. Can you guess whos is whos? I can.
$42.3 million
$33 million
$150 million
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# 16
yamabushi @ Jan 15, 2009
Sweet, sweet irony. MD wants to declare Obama inauguration a 'federal disaster'.
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# 15
yamabushi @ Jan 15, 2009
Obamas selection to run the Treasury and the IRS is a tax cheat. If this suprises you, congrats! your a liberal!
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# 14
yamabushi @ Jan 14, 2009
Beat and rob an old lady? Get a free trip to the inauguration. Now thats 'Change I can Believe in'
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# 13
yamabushi @ Jan 14, 2009
But..... but... Obama was going to make the world love us.......
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# 12
yamabushi @ Jan 14, 2009
RD 2 Complete match-ups.
Depart vs Gump
Empire vs Fargo
Private Ryan vs Oz
Shawshank vs Return of the King
Aliens v Lambs
Dark Knight v Fellowship
Die Hard v Godfather II
Rocky v Raiders
Jaws v Field of Dreams
Goodfellas v Braveheart
Matrix v Heat
Back to the Future v Usual Suspects
Godfather v Full metal Jacket
Pulp Fiction v Seven
Star Wars v T2
Fight Club v Office Space
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 # 11
yamabushi commenting on Guess what these people have... picture @ Jan 12, 2009
Guess theyre just getting a head start on 'redistributing the wealth'.
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# 10
yamabushi @ Jan 12, 2009
As I type Private Ryan is barely beating out Oz, Shawshank is running roughshod over Return of the King, and Gump is leading departed.
Did I accidentally post in the Lifetime channel forums?
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# 9
yamabushi @ Jan 7, 2009
To Whoever complained about the spoiler for 'Marley & Me' in my sig Im truly sorry, and I hope your girl parts stop hurting soon.
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# 8
yamabushi @ Jan 2, 2009
A brilliant point made by Michael Savage a few days ago:
When the islamic terrorist attacks happened in Bombay did the media show you bloody pistures of the victims? or even mention who did them? or the victims of the Hamas missle strikes? of course not.
Did the media show you the poor 'victims' of the Israeli air stirkes? of course.
Scum. The NY Times and all these other lefty media outlets cant die fast enough, and their dieing pretty fast.
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# 7
yamabushi @ Dec 31, 2008
Godspeed to the IDF in destroying the Muslim(is there another kind?) terroist that continuely attack them.
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# 6
yamabushi @ Dec 18, 2008
Some 2nd rd match-ups that are already set or pretty much so.

in the Blue region: 3. Goodfellas vs. 6. Braveheart

in the Purple region: 2. Private Ryan vs. 7. Wizard of Oz. So long Judy Garland musical! It was fabulousssss! embrassing that it even was IN the tournament. bleeech....

In the Green Region: 1. Shawshank vs. 8. LOTR: Return

5. Raiders vs. 4. Rocky

And in the orange region;
5. Alien vs. 4. Silence of the Lambs. tough one there.
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# 5
yamabushi @ Dec 18, 2008
FYI: The Movie Madness tournament will return in 2009. Start back up 1/5/09 after the holidays.
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# 4
WDOgF0reL1fe @ Dec 11, 2008
Originally Posted by yamabushi
Me confused. you mean the bracket pic? theres no 'website' with it.
Oh i thought you posted the full bracket somewhere on the interwebs. My bad.
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# 3
WDOgF0reL1fe @ Dec 10, 2008
Hey man, whats the website you have with the bracket??
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# 2
yamabushi @ Dec 4, 2008
Looking forward to some great match-ups in next weeks 3-14, and 4-13 contest.
I see a big throw down coming with 3.Back to the future vs. 14. Taxi Driver. Qaulity vs popularity. An easy choice for me.

and the boxing match-up (I had nothing to do with this) 4. Rocky vs. 13. Raging Bull.
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 # 1
yamabushi commenting on bracket picture @ Dec 3, 2008
Sorry its not clear enough, OS wont post the image at the original, larger size.
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