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Old 09-06-2008, 10:16 AM   #108
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kerosene31's Arena
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Re: NHL 09 Demo Available, Post Impressions Here

Originally Posted by RealmK
Thats funny, since with the new goaltender animations, I've scored far many garbage goal rebounds and otherwise just a better variety of goals, than prolly most of last year with 08. But hey keep with your "I suck so the ai must cheat" crusade, its good for a laugh.
Are you blocking shots from the neutral zone? Because every game now in the demo, I get one floater in from OUTSIDE THE BLUELINE. I had one go in from an offsides faceoff outside the blueline.

Are you controlling the goalie? If not, then how do we "suck" exactly if the CPU controls the goalie?

My last few games, I've had a floater go in in the first 2 minutes of the period. I come back and win, as I'm getting pretty decent on all-star, but I can't overlook these things.

If I play Detroit, Osgood is a sieve. If I play Pitt, he turns into Hasek in his prime.

Just because we can outscore the CPU, doesn't mean it isn't annoying. Do I need to start diving in front of shots on the blueline to play D?

Do people even understand what we're saying? I'm still winning the game most of the time (or tying if I run out of time). Just because you win the game doesn't mean there isn't a problem.
Go Sabres!
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