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Old 09-14-2009, 11:23 PM   #34
utorde's Arena
OVR: 12
Join Date: Aug 2005

Originally Posted by gr18
1.You can change to a hybrid if you want.I don't really like to because the computer will only ever play the base defense anyway.That's why I don't use the original hybrid playbooks.I know the Raiders had one.

2.No huddle.I have no idea as to why or if something triggered it off.I've seen this too at times.Usually it seems pretty effective for them to at least move the ball pretty well.

3.This is a good topic.I use 70% out,85% in now.The backup rb's get used a good deal more now.I found 75% to be a bit much at certain positions but I still have the slider at 8 so this is worth checking into.The slider really doesn't seem to do much at 8 in terms of substitutions but if you would move it to maybe 16,let's say,with even a 75%,85% then and notice better qb play......

1) So there's really no need for me to change like I have in the past.

2) Yes, they definitely move the ball effectively when going to no-huddle, I usually have to end up calling a timeout.

3) I have never even messed with the auto-sub. So if I am in Franchise, go into a game, pause, adjust the slider, and then save my VIP after the game, will the auto-sub stay set like I adjusted it or will I have to adjust it every time I play? Will it just be saved for that particular Franchise? Is it tied to the VIP and will be set the way I adjusted it no matter what Franchise i'm playing and even in Exhibition mode? How do you set it and save it so that it sticks no matter what mode you're in and so that it will stay the same for any Franchise?
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