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Old 06-23-2010, 11:35 PM   #75
NBA Elite Developer
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Re: 7 Minute NBA Elite Video (Gamespot)

Originally Posted by Jano
Thanks for the info rEAnimator i've got one question though, how long does it take to fix issues with this game? B/c the way the guys who went the EA even they described as a quick process.

So for example if the things that BomBthreat pointed are issues with the animations would it be a simple fix or a more complex one?
Some issues are really difficult and can take days/weeks to get right and some take minutes/hours to fix.

But the guys who went to EA are right, we've made huge improvements to our technology and workflows that allow us to fix things way quicker than we could before. What it does is pushes a lot more of the issues into the minutes/hours category which is great for us and great for the end product.

The specific issues BomBthreat pointed out...the missing animation component of it is an easy fix, keeping the dribbler from making forward progress while in collision is an easy fix.

Some of the foot sliding might be more difficult to fix, but until I had confirmed what the cause of it was it's hard to say for sure.
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