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Old 03-26-2011, 08:24 AM   #108
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Re: NCAA Football 12 Video Interview - Visuals & Pylon Physics

Originally Posted by Roggie
It's March. Why are people asking for gameplay stuff? Why would a company ever release the major information in March, when the game doesn't come out for 3 months? They market it the right way. Have tiny announcements involving graphics, then go into deeper information, having anticipation peak at release time, by announcing tiny gameplay adjustments then dropping the big information/dynasty information in the last few blogs. How else would you market it? Tell everyone the big announcements so they can get hyped up 3 months in advance then forget? That'd work..
Roggie, you could market it the other way. you could announce your biggest new feature 1st, which gets everyone geeked up. that excitement could build for 3 months, as you add on to that big feature announcement with auxillery stuff like the pylon physics, visual enhancements, dreadlocks, etc. by doing the dripping faucet thing works, it can have the reverse effect of turning off some people as they don't see major improvements early on that would keep them interested through release.
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