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Old 03-26-2011, 12:59 PM   #111
da ThRONe
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video Interview - Visuals & Pylon Physics

Originally Posted by Knight9299
These presentation upgrades (dreads, arm bands etc) to me aren't improvements that merit even talking about. The fact that these kind of 'improvements' are the first thing 'hyped' means EA isn't addressing game play in a meaningful way. Or EA is reacting to the "WHERE ARE THE DREADS??!!!!" shouts first because it's easier and cheaper to do so. And the bottom line to EA is does this game make a profit? If the game did everything we wished it would do, got awesome reviews, but lost money, it's a failure. A lot of the improvements that I think the game needs are probably a heckuva lot more time & money consuming then throwing dreads and pylon physics in this years version...
While we all know EA's goal is to make as much money as possible(really what company isn't like that). I think recent history has shown us good games make the sales while bad games struggle. I do think EA is in this situation because they thought they could cut corners and people would buy the game anyways. I think/hope the light bulb has been lit and the suits realize most gamers casual and hardcore a like want the game to be as close to the actually sport as possible.

After all how many casual baseball fans play "The Show" because it a great game or casual soccer fans FIFA, NHL and so on and so on. I refuse to believe that if we can get football games that are equal to NBA 2K in a nation were football is the most popular sport the sales figures would be poor. "If you build it they will come".
You looking at the Chair MAN!

Number may not tell the whole story ,but they never lie either.
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