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Old 10-20-2017, 06:41 AM   #1
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northern Suburbs of ATL
FOFC Golf Tour (Interactive)

Would anyone be interested in playing on the FOFC Golf Tour...

Some of you old timers may vaguely remember when I ran a golf dynasty, this one will be based off of that game. If you aren't familiar or if you are interested in a refresher you can find the match play tournament I ran here:

There are some differences in this version of the game. Here is how the game works:

Each golfer is rated on 8 skills (I believe these are pretty self explanatory)

Driving Length
Driving Accuracy
Long Irons
Short Irons
Short Game
Sand Play
Putting Speed
Putting Accuracy

Each golfer is rated on 5 attributes

Focus - concentration
Clutch - making the pivotal shot
Course Management - playing shots to the correct locations leaving room for error
Scramble - ability to recover or create shots when in difficult spots
Consistency - how repeatable is the swing

Each golfer has 4 additional ratings that are created based on different criteria:

Luck - completely random wildcard that changes week to week
Fitness - how in shape are you (calculated based on training)
Confidence - based on finishes of previous events
Burn Out - based on level of training

Each player will also select a style of play (conservative, normal, aggressive) for Driver, Long Iron, Short Iron, Short Game, and Putting, but this time the setting will be done by hole. So players can be as detailed as they would like. In order to help you determine your style of play each hole on a course is rated Easy, Normal, or Difficult, and each pin placement is likewise rated Easy, Normal, or Difficult.

The tour consists of 20 tournaments with 4 majors. Each tournament has a purse that will be distributed to any golfer that makes the cut. That money will be used to pay your expenses, caddie, coach, etc.

Each week players will have time to train. Training can be done in a number of ways. Players can train just their overall game

Ball Striking

They can spend hours working on a specific skill from the above list (driving length, driving accuracy, long iron, etc.). They can play practice rounds, or they can group up and play for money. All of these will combine to create the players total hours of training. The training will be applied and the skills and attributes will be adjusted accordingly. Each player must take 1 week off during the first 10 weeks and 1 week off during the second 10 weeks of the season.

I have caddie and coaching features built into the game, but I won't be using it initially. If the dynasty goes well I'll put it in place for season 2 if you are interested.

If you are interested in playing I need player name and country and you should distribute 880 points across the 8 skills and 5 attributes. You can PM me your settings so other players won't know what you chose. No single rating should exceed 100 or be below 50.

I'm sure I've forgotten something important and I've left out a number of details because I don't want to get too far into this in case there is little to no interest (no since wasting my time). However, if you have questions - fire away, I'm happy to explain as long as it won't give away too much of the game mechanics.

Last edited by Breeze : 10-20-2017 at 01:43 PM.
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