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Old 01-24-2025, 12:33 PM   #51
College Prospect
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Originally Posted by korme View Post
This looks interesting, and I'm tempted to buy at the modest price of $25. Thanks for writing this up.

The computer game is still a LONG ways away from being playable, just FYI.

Only 2 non crisis spending bills. Rev/Budge, Econ Stab, Mil Prep all in crisis.

Henry Middleton (R5) proposes Create Department of Treasury (spend, foundation) – Econ
Thomas Fitzsimons(R4) proposes Establish Continental Army (spend, crisis) – F/M
Silas Deane (R3) proposes Create Minister to France (spend, foundation) – F/M
William Floyd (B3) proposes Establish Continental Navy (spend, crisis) – F/M
Thomas Tillinghast (R3) proposes Authorize Privateers to Fight British Navy (crisis) – F/M
Alexander Gillon (B3) proposes Establish Bank of North America as a Temporary Central Bank (spend, crisis) – Econ

Economic committee: Create Dept of Treasury passes 10-0. Establish Bank of North America as a Temporary Central Bank passes 10-0. William Paca (R4) packages all bills together, called C.C. Economic Act of 1779.

Foreign/Military committee: Establish Continental Army passes 9-0. Create Minister to France passes 7-2. Establish Continental Navy passes 9-0. Authorize Privateers to Fight British Navy passes 9-0. Henry Middleton (R5) does not package bills.

C.C. Economic Act of 1779 passes 13-0. +400 points to B3, R4, R5; +200 points to B1, B2, B4, B5, R1, R2, R3.

Establish Continental Army passes 13-0. +500 points to B3, B4, R5. Military Prep +1 (3).

Create Minister to France passes 12-1 (NC was vote against). +50 points to R2.

Establish Continental Navy passes 13-0. +600 points to R3, +300 points to R2, +100 points to B3.

Authorize Privateers to Fight British Navy passes 13-0. +600 points to R3, +300 points to R2, +50 points to B3, B4. Rev/Budg -1 (1).

Enthusiasm shifts due to legislative voting above: Mod go +1 Red for most points gained by dominant party. LW Pop/Prog/Lib/Mod goes -1 Red for least points from dominant party. Mod go +1 Red for most points on opposition party. Mod goes +6 Blue for least points on opposition party. Final tallies: Mod +5 Blue (Max Blue), LW Pop +1 Blue (lean Blue), Prog +1 Blue (lean Blue), Lib +1 Blue (lean Blue).

Economic Chair William Paca (R4) names Benjamin Franklin (R2) as Secretary of Treasury. Because he is controversial, he needs to be confirmed by the Continental Congress. Congress votes 10-1-2, so Franklin is confirmed. +500 points to R2.

Foreign/Military Chair Henry Middleton (R5) names Robert Morris (R5) Ambassador to France. +75 points to R5.

Foreign/Military Chair Henry Middleton (R5) names George Washington (R4) Senior General. Esek Hopkins (R3) is named Senior Admiral. Nathaniel Greene (R3), Richard Montgomery (B5), Benjamin Lincoln (R5), Artemis Ward (R2), and Israel Putnam (R3) are named Generals. Benedict Arnold (R5), John Barry (B1, removed from Military track after 4 years; no gains), and John Paul Jones (B4, comes off the Backroom track after 4 years; gains +1 Adm (1), Business) are named Admirals. Since Benedict Arnold is controversial, he needs to be confirmed by the Continental Congress. Congress votes 8-3-2, so Arnold is confirmed. +100 points to R3, +50 points to R4, R5, +25 points to B1, B4, B5, R2. Arnold gains +1 Mil (5).

B1 (Welfare lobby) is upset that they didn’t get Secretary of Treasury. Moderates go -1 Red (already max Blue).

Whew, a lot going on in this phase. Next up...WAR!!

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Old 01-24-2025, 01:37 PM   #52
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Naval Battle of Nassau:
Difficult Battle: -25%
Planning: 6%
Officer: John Barry (B1), 30%
Military Prep: 10%
Era Military Benchmarks: 10%
Chance of Success: 31% - DEFEAT!
John Barry (B1) was killed during the battle.

Ground Battle of Brooklyn:
Moderate Battle: -10%
Planning: 8%
Officer: Israel Putnam (R3), 20%
Military Prep: 10%
Era Military Benchmarks: 10%
Chance of Success: 38% - DEFEAT!
Israel Putnam loses 1 Mil (2). -100 points to R4.

End of War phase. War score is -3. War will continue next phase. George Washington loses 1 Mil (3), and gains Incompetent. Esek Hopkins loses 1 Mil (2) and gains Incompetent. Both are immediately fired from their positions. Artemis Ward (R2) promoted to Senior General, gains 1 Mil (4). Horatio Gates (B2) named General, gains +1 Mil (4). Benedict Arnold (R5) promoted to Senior Admiral, +1 Cmd (1). Philemon Dickenson (R4) named Admiral. +50 points to R2, R5. +25 points to B2, R4.

That was pretty horrible. We've lost our best military leader due to becoming incompetent, our Senior Admiral was KIA, and now our best military person is Benedict Arnold. What could possibly go wrong? Plus, he's an admiral, and the ground war is where we need to most help. We really need to hope that France will intervene, or this game could end quickly.
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Old 01-27-2025, 12:40 PM   #53
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CT: R3 nominates Jonathan Trumbull Jr. (R3, incumbent). B3 nominates Thomas Chittenden (B2). Trumbull wins election. +100 points to R3. Trumbull gains Healthcare.

DE: R4 nominates Gunning Bedford Sr (R4, incumbent). B3 nominates Richard Bassett (B3). Bassett wins election. +100 points to B3, -500 points to R4. Bassett gains Healthcare.

GA: R4 nominates Archibald Bulloch (R4). B5 nominates Edward Telfair (B4, incumbent). Telfair wins election. +100 points to B4.

MA: R4 nominates John Adams (R3, incumbent). B1 nominates Samuel Adams (B1). John Adams wins election. +100 points to R3. John Adams gains Economics. Samuel Adams gains -1 in elections for 6 years.

MD: R3 nominates Thomas Johnson (R2, incumbent). No eligible blue candidates, so Johnson wins. +100 points to R2. Johnson gains +1 Adm (1), Leadership.

NC: R3 nominates Samuel Johnston (R3). B3 nominates Richard Caswell (B2, incumbent). Caswell wins. +100 points to B2. Caswell gains Leadership, Energy.

NH: R2 nominates John Sullivan (R2). B4 nominates Josiah Bartlett (B4, incumbent). Bartlett wins. +100 points to B4. Bartlett gains Media. Sullivan gains -1 in elections for 6 years.

NJ: R1 nominates William Franklin (R5). B3 nominates John Hart (B4, incumbent). Hart wins. +100 points to B4. Hart gains Transportation.

NY: R5 nominates James Duane (R1). B2 nominates George Clinton (B3, incumbent). Clinton wins. +100 points to B3. Clinton gains Media.

PA: R2 nominates Joseph Reed (R2). B2 nominates John Dickinson (B3, incumbent). Dickinson wins. +100 points to B3.
RI: R1 nominates William Bradford (R1). B3 nominates John Collins (B3, incumbent). Collins wins. +100 points to B3. Collins gains +1 Adm (1), Justice.

SC: R5 nominates Thomas Bee (R5, incumbent). B3 nominates Alexander Gillon (B3). Bee wins. +100 points to R5.

VA: R5 nominates Arthur St. Clair (R5, incumbent). B4 nominates Charles Scott (B4). St. Clair wins. +100 points to R5. St. Clair gains +1 Cmd (2), +1 Gov (3), +1 Adm (1), Healthcare.

With the exception of DE, incumbents held in every state. Arthur St. Clair hit the perfect combo of gains, and is looking to become a powerhouse.
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Old 01-27-2025, 03:52 PM   #54
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CT: Jonathan Trumbull Jr (R3) selects Andrew Adams (R4), Thomas Chittenden (B2), and Roger Sherman (R2).

DE: Richard Bassett (B3) selects John Patten (B3) and Gunning Bedford Sr (R4).

GA: Edward Telfair (B4) selects Lachlan McIntosh (B4) and George Mathews (R5).

MA: John Adams (R3) selects James Bowdoin (R4), Robert Treat Paine (R1), Joseph Warren (R2), and John Lowell (R5).

MD: Thomas Johnston (R2) selects William Smallwood (R2), Robert H Harrison (R3), William Hindman (R5), and William Smith (B3).

NC: Richard Caswell (B2) selects John Penn (B2), Hugh Williamson (B1), and Cornelius Harnett (B3).

NH : Josiah Bartlett (B4) selects Simeon Olcott (R4) and Samuel Livermore (B2).

NJ: John Hart (B4) selects Richard Stockton (R4), Lambert Cadwalader (B5), and Aaron Kitchell (B2).

NY: George Clinton (B3) selects James Clinton (B2), William Montgomery (B1), and Abraham Yates Jr (B4).

PA: John Dickinson (B3) selects John Bayard (R3), Robert Brown (B3), Charles Willson Peale (R1), and John Smilie (B1).

RI: John Collins (B3) selects Joseph Stanton Jr (B2) and William Ellery (B3).

SC: Thomas Bee (R5) selects Thomas Sumter (B5), John Rutledge (R4), and Ralph Izard (R5).

VA: Arthur St. Clair (R5) selects Henry Lee II (R5), Edmund Pendleton (R2), George Washington (R4), and John Smith (B1).

Red holds the slimmest of advantages (20-19) in the Continental Congress. Can George Washington revive his career in Congress after his humiliating removal from the military?
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Old 01-29-2025, 11:54 AM   #55
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1780 DRAFT

Top picks and draft order:
R4 – John Marshall, gains +1 Adm (3)
R1 – Rufus King, gains +1 Leg (2)
B1 – James Winthrop
B2 – Joseph Hiester
B5 – John Taylor
R2 – Isaac Tichenor
R3 – John Eager Howard
B4 – Samuel Smith
B3 – Joseph Bloomfield
R5 – Gouverneur Morris

Benjamin Bourne (R4) gains Numberfudger, Morgan Lewis (B2) gains Predictable. William Stephens Smith (R4) gains DE, John Eager Howard (R3) gains MA, Benjamin Bourne (R4) gains PA.
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Old 01-29-2025, 02:21 PM   #56
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B1 – James Winthrop to Backroom, Stephen R Bradley to Legis, Samuel J Potter to Gov, James Booth Sr to Admin, John Smith to Private. James Sullivan removed from Admin after 8 years; gains +1 Adm (3), Transportation, Uncharismatic.

B2 – Joseph Hiester to Backroom, Morgan Lewis to Admin, Ebenezer Elmer to Private, Jonas Galusha to Gov, John Rhea to Legis, George Rogers Clark to Mil. Andrew Gregg fails to go to Judicial. Robert Bowie removed from Gov after 4 years; gains Labor, +1 Leg (2), Charisma, Puritan. Jospeh Bradley Varnum removed from Backroom after 4 years; gains +1 Adm (1).

B3 – Joseph Bloomfield to Gov, William Eustis to Admin, Henry Tazewell to Legis, Abraham Baldwin to Military, Benjamin Howland to Private, John Condit to Backrroom. Nicholas Gilman fails to go to Judicial.

B4 – Samuel Smith to Legis, Robert Wright to Gov, George Logan to Admin, Matthew Clay to Backroom, Thomas Mason to Private. Jacob Broom fails to go to Judicial. Michael Jenifer Stone removed from Legis after 8 years; gains +1 Leg (3), Army. John Baptista Ashe removed from Gov after 4 years; gains Nationalist, Housing.

B5 – John Taylor to Private, Wade Hampton I to Military, Gabriel Duvall to Judicial, Andrew Moore to Backroom, David Hall to Gov, James Gunn to Legis.

R1 – Rufus King to Legis, John Laurens to Admin, Richard Varick to Backroom, William Jones to Mil, Franklin Davenport to Private, William Bradford to Judicial, Beverley Randolph to Gov. Shearjashub Bourne removed from Legis after 8 years; gains +1 Leg (3), Media. Luther Martin removed from Backroom after 4 years; gains +1 Adm (2), Environment, Leadership.

R2 – Isaac Tichenor to Gov, Winthrop Sargent to Private, Tench Coxe to Admin, William Bingham to Legis, Josiah Harmar to Military, Amos Slaymaker to Backroom. James Sheafe failed to go to Judicial. James Lloyd removed from Private after 8 years; +1 Leg (2), Healthcare. Richard Peters removed from Backroom after 8 years; gains +1 Adm (2), Science, Kingmaker.

R3 – John Eager Howard to Gov, James McHenry to Admin, John Brooks to Mil, Nathaniel Chipman to Judicial, Nathan Hale to Private, Ebenezer Huntington to Backroom, Uriah Tracy to Legis.

R4 - John Marshall to Admin, Benjamin Tallmadge to Mil, Edmund Randolph to Gov, Frederick Frelinghuysen to Private, Benjamin Hawkins to Backroom, Benjamin Bourne to Legis. John Davenport failed to go to Judicial.

R5 – Gouverneur Morris to Private, John Taylor Gilman to Gov, George Cabot to Backroom, Nathaniel Mitchell to Military, Henry Latimer to Judicial, James Hillhouse to Legis, Alfred Moore to Admin. William Paterson removed from Gov after 8 years; gains +1 Gov (3), Business.
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Old 01-29-2025, 04:46 PM   #57
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James Garrard (B2), Andrew Pickens (B3), Benjamin Taliaferro (B3), Thomas Claiborne (B4), Thomas Sumter (B5), Arthur Lee (R1), Francis Dana (R3), Israel Putnam (R3), Daniel Carroll (R3), Esek Hopkins (R3) and Richard Butler (R5) lose flipflopper.

George Logan (B4) moves from PA to NH. Benjamin Huntington (R3) moves from CT to PA.


B1 – Samuel J Potter shifts from Lib to Mod; gains Flipflopper. Stephen R Bradley shifts from Lib to Mod. George Bryan shifts from Lib to Mod; gains Flipflopper, Pliable.

B2 – Thomas Chittenden fails to shift from Lib to Mod; gains Flipflopper. Moses Robinson shifts from Lib to Mod.

B3 –Isaac Shelby fails to shift from Cons to Mod; gains Flipflopper. Andrew Pickens fails to shift from Cons to Mod; gains Flipflopper. Joseph Bloomfield fails to shift from Cons to Mod; gains Pliable. Anthony Wayne fails to shift from Cons to Mod; gains Two Faced. Henry Tazewill shifts from Cons to Mod; gains Flipflopper.

B4 – Samuel Smith fails to shift from Cons to Mod. Edward Telfair fails to shift from Cons to Mod; gains Flipflopper. Josiah Bartlett fails to shift from Cons to Mod; gains Flipflopper, Pliable.

B5 – Thomas Sumter fails to shift from Cons to Mod; gains Flipflopper. Wade Hampton I shifts from Cons to Mod; gains Flipflopper. Gabriel Duvall shifts from Cons to Mod; gains Flipflopper.

Moderate enthusiasm is maxed for Blue, so these politicians leave Red to join Blue: Beverley Randolph (R1) joins B3 faction.

George Taylor (B1) converts Josiah Bartlett (B4).
William Moore (R4) fails to convert John Jay (R5).
Thomas McKean (R1) fails to convert John Jay (R5).
Caesar Rodney (R3) fails to convert John Jay (R5).
William Franklin (R5) fails to convert James McHenry (R3).

B1 was able to gain a governor (Bartlett), which is the big news of this phase.
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Old 01-29-2025, 05:05 PM   #58
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R1 – LW Pop/Prog/Lib/Mod; Civil Rights; Public Education, Environmentalist, Human Rights, LW Media (gained Civil Rights, Public Education, Environmentalist, lost Transportation)

R2 – Mod; none; Private Education, Big Oil & Gas, Globalists, Big Pharma, Law & Order, Big Tech (gained Big Pharma)

R3 – Mod; none; Big Oil & Gas, Environmentalist, Big Pharma, Labor Unions, Transportation (gained Big Pharma)

R4 – Mod; none; Wall Street, Public Education, Environmentalist, Public Housing, Military-Industrial, Free Trade (gained Environmentalist, Military-Industrial, lost Big Pharma)

R5 – Cons/Trad; Nationalists, RW Activists; Big Corporations, Wall Street, Big Oil & Gas, Isolationists, Protectionist (lost Law & Order)

B1 – Mod; Reformists; Science (lost Civil Rights, Welfare)

B2 – Mod; none; Big Oil & Gas, Environmentalist (gained Big Oil & Gas)

B3 – Mod; Expansionists; Big Agriculture, Big Oil & Gas, Labor Unions (lost Military-Industrial, Transportation)

B4 – Cons/Trad; Theocrats, Nationalists; Big Oil & Gas

B5 – Mod; Expansionists; Big Agriculture, Labor Unions
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Old 01-29-2025, 06:30 PM   #59
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R4 chooses George Washington (R4) as CC President. +50 points to R4.
Edmund Pendleton (R2) named Domestic Chair. Gains Healthcare. 50 points to R2.
Andrew Adams (R4) named Judicial Chair. 50 points to R4.
Roger Sherman (R2) named Economic Chair. Gains Business. 50 points to R2.
James Bowdoin (R4) named Foreign/Military Chair. Gains Leaderhsip, Army. 50 points to R4.

Domestic Committee and gains: John Penn (B2, Energy), Samuel Livermore (B2, Education), Aaron Kitchell (B2, Media), William Smith (B3, Healthcare), Robert Brown (B3, Housing), Abraham Yates Jr (B4, Agriculture), William Smallwood (R2, Housing), George Matthews (R5, Environment), John Lowell (R5, Energy).

Economic Committee and gains: William Montgomery (B1, Transportation), Cornelius Harnett (B3, Welfare), Charles Willson Peale (R1, Business), Joseph Warren (R2, Trade), Gunning Bedford Sr (R4, Welfare), Richard Stockton (R4, Labor), John Rutledge (R4, Transportation), William Hindman (R5, Trade).

Foreign/Military Committee and gains: Hugh Williamson (B1), John Smith (OH) (B1, Naval), Thomas Chittenden (B2, Foreign Affairs), Joseph Stanton Jr (B2), John Patten (B3), William Ellery (B3, Naval), Thomas Sumter (B5, Foreign Affairs), Robert H Harrison (R3, Army), Simeon Olcott (R4, Foreign Affairs)

Judicial Committee and gains: John Smilie (B1, Justice), James Clinton (B2, Justice), Lachlan McIntosh (B4, Justice), Lambert Cadwalader (B5, Justice), Robert Treat Paine (R1), John Bayard (R3, Justice), Ralph Izard (R5), Henry Lee II (R5)
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Old 01-29-2025, 06:31 PM   #60
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B1 – Keeps George Taylor; gains Pliable.
B2 – Keeps John Hancock; gains +1 Leg (3), +1 Adm (1).
B3 - Keeps George Clinton; no gains.
B4 – Chooses Nathaniel Niles; no gains. Known as the Traditional Patriots.
B5 – Keeps William Cocke; gains +1 Cmd (1).
R1 – Keeps Thomas McKean; gains Iron Fist.
R2 – Keeps Benjamin Franklin; no gains.
R3 – Keeps Caesar Rodney; no gains.
R4 – Chooses James Bowdoin; gains +1 Leg (3). Known as the Bowdoin Patriots.
R5 – Keeps William Franklin; gains Incoherent.
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Old 01-30-2025, 11:04 AM   #61
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B1 – George Taylor (current faction leader since 1772, member of 3rd Continental Congress) dies of malaria at age 64.
B2 – Samuel Livermore (current CC member) dies of malaria at age 48.
B3 – John Ashe dies of tuberculosis at age 55.
B4 – Robert Yates dies of malaria at age 42.
B5 – James Madison Sr (member of 2nd Continental Congress, signer of Declaration of Independence) dies of yellow fever at age 57.
R1 – Nicholas Van Dyke (member of 3rd Continental Congress) dies of plague at age 42.
R2 – Benjamin Franklin (current faction leader since 1772, current Secretary of Treasury, President of 1st Continental Congress) announces he will retire at the end of this term due to family reasons at age 74. Francis Lewis dies of yellow fever at age 67.
R3 – Israel Putnam (current General) dies of tuberculosis at age 62.
R4 – James Bowdoin (current CC F/M Chair, current faction leader) dies of dysentery at age 54.
R5 – Benjamin Lincoln (current General, member of 2nd Continental Congress, signer of Declaration of Independence) dies of yellow fever at age 47.

B1 selects Ethan Allen as new faction leader. R4 selects Nathaniel Gorham as new faction leader.

George Washington (R4) promotes Robert H Harrison (R3) to Foreign/Military Chair. Governor John Adams (R3) selects Shearjashub Bourne (R1) for MA CC Member, Domestic committee. Governor Josiah Bartlett (B1) selects Nicholas Gilman (B3) for NH CC Member, F/M committee.

Robert H Harrison (R3) names Daniel Morgan (R3) and William Moultrie (R4) as Generals. +25 points to R3 and R4.

This was the most brutal death/retirement phase yet, and it couldn't have come at a worse time. Three faction leaders, two CC members (including a chair), two generals, and the Secretary of Treasury taken down. Benjamin Franklin will at least finish his term, but he's a big loss to the country.
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Old 01-30-2025, 03:06 PM   #62
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Trade tension has been gradually escalating and has now resulted in a diplomatic war of words between diplomats of both nations. Spanish relations -1 (4).

There has been talk among politician of the possible presidential candidacy of one of our leading military officers. Benedict Arnold (R5) gains +1 Cmd (2).

One politician is showing such high favorables among voters that it would be foolish for them not to run for president. John Hart (B4) gains +1 Cmd (1).

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Another politician in a powerful faction is being noted as a corrupting force. Alexander Martin (R5) gains Controversial.

An independently minded politician is considering a presidential run. Nathanael Green (R3) gains +1 Cmd (1).
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Old 01-30-2025, 03:17 PM   #63
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William Franklin Defies Father and Colonies by Siding with the British: Despite being the son of Benjamin Franklin, William Franklin has defied his father and declared his loyalty to the crown! William Franklin (R5, current faction leader since 1772, 1st Continental Congress member) removed from game. -50 points to B4, R5.

Conciliatory Resolution: Word has spread that the British Parliament has issues a Conciliatory Resolution to the various colonial governments in an effort to resolve the crisis. However, they bypassed our Continental Congress, believing it to be an illegal government institution. Clearly, they wish to divide the colonies, but the British government does wish to relax some of the taxation we bear in exchange for our loyalty. George Washington (R4) response: This is pittance for the amount of blood that's been shed. Reject it. Congress approves. +50 points to B4, R5.

Alliance with France: Our minister to France might have just saved our great cause! Initially, King Louis XVI's chief minister, the Comte de Vergennes, seemed to be stalling at every turn, but something convinced him to change his mind! We now have evidence that our delegation and a French diplomat have signed a Treaty of Amity and Commerce. By these terms, we are firmly allied to France, both defensively and economically. It is a necessary deal for independence, but some fear we may lose our independence by becoming a satellite of France. Artemis Ward (R2) gains +1 Mil (5). Relationship with France now at 9 (Allies). Robert Morris (R5) loses Obscure and gains Celebrity. Mil Prep +1 (4). Rev/Budg +1 (2). Econ Stab +1 (6, out of crisis). George Washington’s response: By god, our minister to France has saved our cause! 200 points to R4, 100 points to R2, R5.

Treaty of Aranjuez: Word has arrived that Spain has agreed to support France in their war against King George III. This means Spain is indirectly aiding us in our cause. The terms, hashed out by the Comte de Vergennes of France and the Conde de Floridablanca of Spain, will see Spain aiding our cause in exchange for France aiding Spain in regaining former possessions lost to Great Britain. Spanish relations +1 (5). George Washington’s response: Three cheers to Spain! We welcome France's ally to our cause. +50 points to R2, R4.

Carlisle Peace Commission: A British peace commission led by the Earl of Carlisle wished to negotiate an end to the war. The Earl wishes to offer us home rule and representation in the British Parliament in exchange for surrendering our Independent and rejoining the realm of King George III. George Washington’s response: We demand nothing but full recognition of our independence. Reject the commission. Congress approves unanimously. +150 points to R5, +100 points to B4, R1, R4, +50 points to B3, B5.

Dutch Recognize the United States: God love the United Provinces! We've been recognized. We must establish official relations with them immediately to strengthen our ties. We can expect recognition from other countries in the near future. George Washington’s response: This should open the floodgates to new financial friends abroad. US can now take out loans. +100 points to R4, R5.

Treaty of Paris: Representatives of King George III, David Harley and Richard Oswald, have agreed to meet at the Hotel d'York in Paris to negotiate the end of our long-lasting Revolutionary War. The Comte de Vergennes, Louis XVI's chief minister, will mediate the negotiations. We need only send our diplomats, and at long last our Independence is won! Revolutionary War is over!! US acquires rights to OH, KY, TN, MS, AL. UK relations move to 3 (Hostile). Washington’s response: Let's sign the treaty so we might finally have peace and liberty. +250 points to B1, B4, R5. Robert H Harrison (R3) names Thomas Jefferson (B5) Ambassador to UK. +25 points to B5. Jefferson gains Business. Robert H Harrison (R3), Robert Morris (R5), and Thomas Jefferson (B5) to implement the treaty. Harrison and Jefferson blunder, but Washington has Geostrategist and Military experience, and is able to avoid the blunders. All generals and admirals except senior resign their commissions, and Continental Army and Navy disbanded.

Annapolis Convention: Twelve delegates from five of our states gathered at Mann's Tavern in Annapolis, Maryland to discuss the flaws in our Articles of Confederation and to argued for a lowering of state tariffs. Expect a larger, better organized gathering in the near future for further discussions. This one was quite shoddy. Maryland didn't even send a delegation despite hosting the event. George Washington response: Considering the financial difficulties and precarious nature of our national defense, an amended Articles of Confederation seems necessary. Support the cause. Congress approves 10-0 (3 states abstain). +300 points to R5, +100 points to B1, B4, R4.

Constitutional Convention: Word is sent to the various states to send delegates to Philadelphia for the purpose of amending the Articles of Confederation. However, it's understood that many proponent of this convention will have a more revolutionary goal in mind. Governor of PA John Dickinson (B3) gains +250 points for B3. George Washington’s response: For better or worse, this Convention will be the death knell to our Articles of Confederation and this Congress. May we create a more perfect union. Dom Stab +1 (7). +750 points to R5, +500 points to R4, +250 points to B1, B4.

Federalist Papers: A series of essays strongly supportive of the US Constitution and a more vigorous central government are appearing in the newspapers. They're written by three authors using pen names. however, we are quite certain of the voices of these essays. Many of the papers are ensuring that these essays drown out those that oppose the Constitution. George Washington’s response: Let's endorse the sagacious pro-Constitution authors of these papers. +300 points to R4, +200 points to B1, +100 points to B2, R1, R2, R3, -100 points to B4.

R5 chooses Henry Middleton as new faction leader.

Wow! This was an eventful phase. We had the perfect storm happen, all starting with the alliance with France. Our Ambassador to France got the job done, and that started a snowball of events which led to peace away from the battlefield. This is a bit of an unusual way to win independence, but once France entered the war, it was just a matter of time. We are now an official country, recognized by the European powers. We actually have more events auto-firing, but we hit the maximum for this term. Now the foundation of what this new country will become is being built.
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Old 01-30-2025, 06:38 PM   #64
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All delegates lose Obscure if they have it. Gains listed.

CT: Jonathan Trumbull Jr (R3) selects himself (R3), Samuel Huntington (R3), and William Williams (B1).
DE: Richard Bassett (B3) selects John Patten (B3, +1 Leg (3)), Jacob Broom (B4, +1 Leg (2)), and John McKinly (R5, +1 Leg (2)).
GA: Edward Telfair (B4) selects himself (B4), Lachlan McIntosh (B4), and Archibald Bulloch (R4).
MA: John Adams (R3) selects himself (R3, +1 Leg (3)), Francis Dana (R3, +1 Leg (3)), and Samuel Allyne Otis (B2).
MD: Thomas Johnson (R2) selects William Smallwood (R2), James Lloyd (R2), and John Hanson (B2).
NC: Richard Caswell (B2) selects Timothy Bloodworth (B4), himself (B2), and Samuel Johnston (R3).
NH: Josiah Bartlett (B1) chooses to not send any delegates.
NJ: John Hart (B4) selects himself (B4), Lambart Cadwalader (B5), and Richard Stockton (R4).
NY: George Clinton (B3) selects Philip Livingston (B5), William Floyd (B3), and Richard Morris (R2).
PA: John Dickinson (B3) selects Thomas Paine (B1, +1 Leg (2)), Robert Brown (B3), and Benjamin Chew (R4).
RI: John Collins (B3, +1 Leg (2)) selects William Ellery (B3), himself (B3), and Theodore Foster (R4).
SC: Thomas Bee (R5) selects Henry Middleton (R5), John Hunter (R2), and Andrew Pickens (B3).
VA: Arthur St. Clair (R5) selects Abner Nash (R3), John Crittenden Sr (R4), and George Muter (B1).
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Old 01-30-2025, 06:44 PM   #65
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Benjamin Chew (R4) was the one who proposed the convention, is named “Father of the Constitution”. Chew gains Celebrity, +1 Leg (2), +1 Cmd (1).

Nominations for President of Convention are Thomas Paine (B1), John Hanson (B2), Edward Telfair (B4), John Adams (R3), Benjamin Chew (R4) and Henry Middleton (R5). Initial voting: Adams 18, Chew 5, Hanson 3, Middleton 2, Paine 3, Telfair 5. Since there is no majority, Middleton drops out. Second round of voting: Adams 20, Chew 5, Hanson 3, Paine 3, Telfair 5. Adams named president.

Henry Middleton (R5) proposes All slaves count towards electoral vote of states (Slave B).
Timothy Bloodworth (B4) proposes Amendment requires unanimous approval of states (Amd C).
Francis Dana (R3) proposes Establish US Senate and US House (Article 1 A).
Richard Caswell (B2) proposes Amendment requires Ύ majority of states (Amd A).
John Patten (B3) proposes Slaves count partially towards electoral vote of states (Slave A).
William Williams (B1) proposes Establish elected President with 4 year terms (Article 2 A).
Benjamin Chew (R4) proposes Establish a Federal Judicial Branch (Article 3 A).
Jacob Broom (B4) proposes Establish elected life-term President (Article 2 C).
John McKinly (R5) proposes Establish Unicameral House based on Equal Representation of the States (Article 1 C).

Article 1 (Legislative branch): Option A defeats Option C 10-2.
Article 2 (Executive branch): Option A defeats Option C 10-2.
Article 3 (Judicial branch): Option A is only option, wins 12-0.
Amendments: Option A defeats Option C 10-2.
Slave states: Option A defeats Option B 10-2.

Governors will vote to ratify during their actions.

So far, the proposed constitution matches what happened in real life.
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Old 01-31-2025, 12:08 PM   #66
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What led NH not to send any delegates?
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Old 02-01-2025, 05:30 PM   #67
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I got a little behind on this.

Treutlen's death by dysentary in game might have been gentler than his real-life demise. Historians agree that he was assassinated, what's debated is by whom (other than "a mob") and why. Theories range from angry Tories to angry South Carolinians to angry Conservatives to personal grudges/feuds.

Meanwhile, Matthews (of GA) sent me to Google as I have some reasonably well-to-do Matthews in my family tree. This particular one was unfamiliar to me off hand and I was surprised to discover that he has no less than three monuments/markers in his honor within a half hour of where I'm sitting. That's even more interesting since he's the only Georgia I've seen in this playthrough who does NOT have any of our 159 counties named for him, probably a function of his real-life having a number of controversies that kept him from ever quite reaching loftier heights.
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Old 02-03-2025, 01:25 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by Izulde View Post
What led NH not to send any delegates?

The blue team only had 1 eligible delegate, so they sent none instead of 1 blue and 2 red. Pretty rare situation, but it came up.
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Old 02-03-2025, 01:27 PM   #69
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Also, R1 didn't have a single delegate to the convention. There are quite a few alt history options that could happen, but they need more left leaning delegates to propose them. It would have been interesting to see if women's suffrage, or even abolish slavery could have happened from the beginning.
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Old 02-04-2025, 11:41 AM   #70
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CT, MA, MD lead Maritime. MA, NH, PA, RI lead Manufacturing. PA leads finance. SC leads Plantation. NH, VA leads Agriculture. 300 points to B3, R3; 200 points to B1, R5; 100 points to R2.

CT – Jonathan Trumbull Jr (R3) votes to ratify constitution. Fails to Improve Burgeoning Industry.

DE – Richard Bassett (B3) votes to ratify constitution. Fails to Encourage settlement on native lands.

GA – Edward Telfair (B4) votes to ratify constitution. Passes 4 year terms for Govs. 100 points to B1.

MA – John Adams (R3) votes to ratify constitution. Passes Establish State Bank. 100 points to R4, R5. 200 points to B3. +1 Finance to MA (2, co-leader).

MD – Thomas Johnson (R2) votes to ratify constitution. Fails to lower taxes.

NC – Richard Caswell (B2) votes to ratify constitution. Passes 4 year terms for Govs. 100 points to B1.

NH – Josiah Bartlett (B1) votes to ratify constitution. Fails to Encourage settlement on native lands.

NJ – John Hart (B4) votes to ratify constitution. Fails to pass two-term term limits for Govs.

NY – George Clinton (B3) votes to ratify constitution. Improves Burgeoning Industry, Finance. +1 Finance (2, co-leader).

PA – John Dickinson (B3) votes to ratify constitution. Improves Burgeoning Industry, Manufacturing. +1 Manufacturing (2, Leader). Dickinson gains +1 Cmd (1). Passes one-term term limits for Gov. 100 points to B1.

RI – John Collins (B3) votes to ratify constitution. Improves Burgeoning Industry, Maritime. +1 Maritime (3, co-leader).

SC – Thomas Bee (R5) votes to ratify constitution. Fails to Encourage settlement on native lands.

VA – Arthur St. Clair (R5) votes to ratify constitution. Passes Encourage settlement on native lands. 200 points to B1, R5. 100 points to B3, B5. St. Clair gains +1 Cmd (3).

Constitution is ratified.

Lots of changes with industry this phase, and the first changes made to governor term limits and terms have beeen made.
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Old 02-04-2025, 05:47 PM   #71
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Only 2 non crisis spending bills. Rev/Budget, Mil Prep all in crisis.

Shearjashub Bourne (R1) proposes Request loan from the United Provinces (crisis) – F/M
Robert Brown (B3) proposes Create Framework for Future Western States (foundation) – F/M
John Smith (B1) proposes Create Department of State (spend, foundation) – F/M
William Hindman (R5) proposes Move Capital to Baltimore (spend) – Domestic
Cornelius Harnett (B3) proposes Create Department of War (foundation, spend) – F/M
John Bayard (R3) proposes Move Capital to Boston (spend) – Domestic


Foreign/Military committee: Request loan from the United Provinces passes 10-0. Create Framework for Western States passes 10-0. Create Department of State passes 8-2. Create Department of War passes 9-1. Chairman Robert H Harrison (R3) packages Request Loan and Create Framework together, called C.C. Foreign/Military Act of 1781.

Domestic committee: Chair Edmund Pendleton (R2) blocks Move Capital to Boston and replaces it with Create Confederation Cabinet (spend). Move Capital to Boston passes 8-2. Create Confederation Cabinet passes 10-0.

C.C. Foreign/Military Act of 1781 passes 13-0. +400 points to R5; +200 points to B1; +100 points to B3, B4, B5, R4. +1 Rev/Budg (already as high as it can go).
Create Dept of State fails to get 60% of the states 6-3 (4 states abstaining). +100 points to R5; -100 points to B3, B5, R2.
Create Dept of War passes 8-3 (2 states abstaining). +100 points to B3, B5, R2; -100 points to R5.
Move Capitol to Baltimore passes 11-0 (2 states abstaining). +700 points to R3; +400 points to R2; +200 points to B3, B5.
Since two non-crisis spending bills have passes, Create Confederation Cabinet is killed.

Enthusiasm shifts due to legislative voting above: Mod go +1 Red for most points gained by dominant party. LW Pop/Prog/Lib/Mod goes -1 Red for least points from dominant party. Mod go +1 Red for most points on opposition party. Mod goes -2 Red for least points on opposition party. Final tallies: Mod +1 Blue (Max Blue), LW Pop +1 Blue (Lean Blue), Prog +1 Blue (Decent Blue), Lib +1 Blue (Decent Blue).

Foreign/Military Chair Robert H Harrison (R3) names James Wilson (R2) Secretary of War. +75 points to R5.

Reformists and Isolationists are upset they didn’t get the Secretary of War. Moderates, Conservatives, Traditionalists enthusiasm all move +1 Blue.
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Old 02-05-2025, 04:28 AM   #72
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Interesting that IRL, Randolph died in 1775 after serving as President of the first Continental Congress. Here, he lives and becomes elected our first President.
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Old 02-05-2025, 09:16 AM   #73
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Originally Posted by Izulde View Post
Interesting that IRL, Randolph died in 1775 after serving as President of the first Continental Congress. Here, he lives and becomes elected our first President.

He has the Frail trait, which usually results in him dying pretty early. I'm using the new death and retirement rules, so this solo playtest will gather some data on how it is working. I think I prefer the old rules better, but I'll give my feedback to the creator.

Also interesting to me is that Randolph has done nothing at all in the playtest, yet ends up winning the first election. Part of it is he is a blue moderate candidate, and they have the max enthusiasm right now. But he did overperform during the election, and dominated the southern states.

Next is doing all the governor elections, senate selections, and then representative elections. Elections are pretty time consuming to do by hand, and it looks like the rules have been changed for pre-primary governor elections, so it may take a while.
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Old 02-05-2025, 11:15 AM   #74
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Rules change from previous.

CT: R3 nominates Jonathan Trumbull Jr (incumbent). R4 nominates Oliver Wolcott Sr. Jonathan Trumbull Jr wins Red nomination. B2 nominates Thomas Chittenden. With no other nominations, Thomas Chittenden wins Blue nomination. Trumbull Jr wins general election. +100 points to R3. Trumbull gains +1 Cmd (2), +1 Adm (1).

DE: R1 nominates Thomas McKean. R2 nominates Thomas Collins. R3 nominates Caesar Rodney. R4 nominates Gunning Bedford Sr. R5 nominates John McKinly. Thomas Collins (R2) wins the Red nomination. B3 nominates Richard Bassett (incumbent). Bassett is unopposed, so wins the Blue nomination. Bassett wins the general election. +100 points to B3. Bassett gains Foreign Affairs.

GA: R1 nominates Lyman Hall. R4 nominates Archibald Bulloch. R5 nominates George Mathews. Lyman Hall (R1) wins the Red nomination. B4 nominates Edward Telfair (incumbent). With no other nominations, Telfair wins Blue nomination. Telfair wins general election. +100 points to B4. Telfair gains Science.

MA: R3 nominates John Adams (incumbent). With no other nominees, Adams wins Red nomination. B1 nominates Samuel Adams. B2 nominates John Hancock. Hancock wins the Blue nomination. Adams wins general election. +100 points to R2.

MD: R2 nominates Thomas Johnson (incumbent). With no other nominees, Johnson wins Red nomination. B2 nominates Robert Bowie. With no other nominees, Bowie wins Blue nomination. Johnson wins general election. +100 points to R2. Johnson gains +1 Adm (2), Energy. Bowie gains -1 in elections for 6 years.

NC: R3 nominates Samuel Johnston. R5 nominates Alexander Martin. Johnston wins Red nomination. B2 nominates Richard Caswell (incumbent). With no other nominees, Caswell wins Blue nomination. Caswell wins general election. +100 points to B2. Caswell gains Naval.

NH: R2 nominates John Sullivan. With no other nominees, Sullivan wins Red nomination. B1 nominates Josiah Bartlett (incumbent). With no other nominees, Bartlett wins Blue nomination. Bartlett wins general election. +100 points to B1. Bartlett gains Technology.

NJ: R2 nominates Richard Howell. R4 nominates Richard Stockton. R5 nominates William Paterson. Stockton wins the Red nomination. B4 nominates John Hart (incumbent). With no other nominees, Hart wins Blue nomination. Hart wins general election. +100 points to B4. Hart gains +1 Cmd (2), Economics.

NY: R1 nominates James Duane. With no other nominees, Duane wins Red nomination. B3 nominates George Clinton (incumbent). With no other nominees, Clinton wins Blue nomination. Clinton wins general election. +100 points to B3. Clinton gains Healthcare. Duane gets -1 in elections for 6 years.

PA: R2 nominates Joseph Reed. R3 nominates John Bayard. R4 nominates William Moore. Reed wins Red nomination. B1 nominates George Bryan. B2 nominates Andrew Gregg. B5 nominates Samuel Maclay. Gregg wins Blue nomination. Gregg wins general election. +100 points to B2. Gregg loses Obscure.

RI: R1 nominates Nicholas Cooke. R2 nominates William Greene Jr. Cooke wins Red nomination. B3 nominates John Collins (incumbent). With no other nominees, Collins wins Blue nomination. Collins wins general election. +100 points to B3. Collins gains Foreign Affairs.

SC: R5 nominates Thomas Bee (incumbent). With no other nominees, Bee wins Red nomination. B3 nominates Alexander Gillon. With no other nominees, Gillon wins Blue nomination. Gillon wins general election. +100 points to B3, -500 points to R5.

VA: R3 nominates Abner Nash. R4 nominates James Wood. R5 nominates Arthur St. Clair (incumbent). St. Clair wins Red nomination. B2 nominates John Page. B3 nominates Thomas Nelson Jr. B4 nominates Richard Henry Lee. R5 nominates George Mason. Mason wins Blue nomination. St. Clair wins general election. +100 points to R5. St. Clair gains Welfare.

Blue picked up one spot, but for the most parts, the incumbents held.
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Old 02-06-2025, 06:58 PM   #75
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I just realized I screwed this up. After the constitutional convention, the rules don't get applied immediately, they get applied at the start of the Era of Federalism, which is the 1788 term. Therefore, there were no presidential elections, and no Senate or House selections/elections either. So the governor elections proceed as normal, but I need to appoint members to the Continental Congress as before. I will delete the posts with the bad info in them.
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Old 02-07-2025, 05:42 PM   #76
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Kind of a random question but ... what in-game year IS it?
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Old 02-10-2025, 11:47 AM   #77
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Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA View Post
Kind of a random question but ... what in-game year IS it?

We're nearing the end of the 1780-82 term.

I finally cleaned up the giant mess I made, reverted everything back, and now it should be back on track.

CT: Jonathan Trumbull Jr (R3) selects William Samuel Johnson (R1), Eliphat Dyer (R3), and Silas Deane (R3).

DE: Richard Bassett (B3) selects Jacob Broom (B4) and Caesar Rodney (R3).

GA: Edward Telfair (B4) selects Lyman Hall (R1) and James Jones (R3).

MA: John Adams (R3) selects Francis Dana (R3), Benjamin Lincoln (R5), Nathaniel Gorham (R4), and Tristram Dalton (R4).

MD: Thomas Johnston (R2) selects Daniel Carroll (R3), John Hanson (B2), William Paca (R4), and Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer (R1).

NC: Richard Caswell (B2) selects Robert Howe (B3), William Hooper (R1), and Samuel Ashe (B2).

NH : Josiah Bartlett (B1) selects John Langdon (R2) and James Sheafe (R2).

NJ: John Hart (B4) selects William Livingston (R2), Elias Boudinot (B1), and Abraham Clark (R1).

NY: George Clinton (B3) selects William Floyd (B3), Walter Livingston (R4), and Janes Duane (R1).

PA: Andrew Gregg (B2) selects William Maclay (B5), John W Kittera (R1), Benjamin Huntington (R3), and Samuel Maclay (B5).

RI: John Collins (B3) selects Theodore Foster (R4) and William Bradford (R1).

SC: Alexander Gillon (B3) selects Andrew Pickens (B3), Benjamin Guerard (B3), and Christopher Gadsden (B3).

VA: Arthur St. Clair (R5) selects Daniel Morgan (R3), Richard Henry Lee (B4), George Wythe (R1), and John Parke Custis (R2).

Red still controls congress with a supermajority 27-12. R1 has the most delegates with 9.
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Old 02-10-2025, 12:05 PM   #78
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Benjamin Franklin (R2, current faction leader, current Secretary of Treasury, President of Continental Congress from 1774-76, and signer of the Declaration of Independence) retires. Joseph Reed, Frederick Muhlenberg, and Thomas Scott all lose their Kingmaker.

Red leads blue 15,050-14,125. However, since red is winning but has the lowest scoring faction (R1), they get a penalty. This is a penalty for the factions not working together. All red factions except R1 lose 10% of their points. After penalty, blue leads red 14,125-13,601. Faction scores in order:
R5: 5985
B3: 4700
B4: 3875
R2: 3038
B1: 2775
R3: 2498
R4: 1530
B5: 1500
B2: 1275
R1: 550

1. George Clinton (B3, Faction Leader, Governor of NY)
2. John Adams (R3, Governor of MA)
3. Thomas Jefferson (B5, Ambassador to UK)
4. Edward Telfair (B4, Governor of GA)
5. Jonathan Trumbull Jr (R3, Governor of CT)
6. George Washington (R4)
7. Richard Henry Lee (B4, CC Rep)
8. Thomas McKean (R1, Faction Leader)
9. Caesar Rodney (R3, Faction Leader, CC Rep)
10. John Marshall (R4, Admin Track)

Crazy to see someone on the career track in the top 10. Marshall could become a powerhouse once he gets his gains, if he stays on there long enough. For the continental congress selections, the red team tried to help out R1 with naming a bunch of their delegates, but it was too little too late.
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Old 02-10-2025, 02:45 PM   #79
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John E Colhoun (B2), Andrew Pickens (B3), Isaac Shelby (B3), Anthony Wayne (B3), Edward Telfair (B4), William Few (B5), Wade Hampton I (B5), Thomas Sumter (B5), Gabriel Duvall (B5), George Wythe (R1), Robert Goldsborough (R2), Peleg Wadsworth (R4), Charles Lee (R4), John Pickering (R5) and Ralph Izard (R5) lose flipflopper.

Charles Lee (R4) fails to move PA to DE.

B1: Jonathan Grout shifts from Lib to Mod; gains Flipflopper. Jonathan Ingersoll shifts from Lib to Mod; gains Flipflopper. William Grayson shifts from Cons to Mod; gains Flippflopper.

B2: Thomas Chittenden shifts from Lib to Mod; gains Pliable.

B3: Andrew Pickens shifts from Cons to Mod. Isaac Shelby shifts from Cons to Mod; gains Flipflopper. Joseph Bloomfield shifts from Cons to Mod; gains Flipflopper, Two Faced. Anthony Wayne shifts from Cons to Mod; gains Flipflopper, Pliable.

B4: Thomas Mason fails to shift from Cons to Mod; gains Pliable. John Sevier fails to shift from Cons to Mod; gains Flipflopper, Pliable. Michael Jenifer Stone fails to shift from Cons to Mod.

B5: Thomas Sumter fails to shift from Cons to Mod; gains Flipflopper. David Hall shifts from Cons to Mod. James Gunn shifts from Cons to Mod.

Because Red Moderates are at lowest enthusiasm, we need to check if anyone switches parties. John Langdon (R2, CC Rep) jumps to B5. Thomas Scott (R2) jumps to B5. Nathanael Greene (R3) jumps to B2.

Thomas McKean (R1) fails to convert John Jay (R5). McKean converts William Smallwood (R2). McKean converts Tench Coxe (R2).

John Hancock (B2) fails to convert William Floyd (B3).

William Cocke (B5) fails to convert William Floyd (B3).

Caesar Rodney (R3) fails to convert John Jay (R5). Jay loses Pliable. Rodney fails to convert Charles Coatesworth Pinckney (R5). Pinckney loses Pliable.

Ethan Allen (B1) fails to convert William Floyd (B3).

Thomas Johnson (R2) fails to convert Richard Butler (R5). Butler gains Integrity.

Nathaniel Niles (B4) fails to convert William Floyd (B3).

Henry Middleton (R5) fails to convert Robert Goldsborough (R2).

John Hancock (B2) takes on Samuel Allyne Otis (B2) as protιgι. Otis gains +1 Leg (3), Business, Leadership.

Richard Peters (R2) takes on Joseph Reed (R2) as protιgι. Reed gains +1 Adm (1), Science.

R1 – LW Pop/Prog/Lib/Mod; Civil Rights, Reformists; Public Education, Environmentalist, Public Housing, Human Rights, LW Media (gained Reformists, Public Housing)
R2 – Mod; none; Private Education, Law & Order, Big Tech (lost Big Oil & Gas, Globalists, Big Pharma)
R3 – Mod; none; Environmentalist, Globalists, Labor Unions, Transportation (lost Big Oil & Gas, Big Pharma, gained Globalists)
R4 – Mod; none; Wall Street, Private Education, Environmentalist, Public Housing, Law & Order, Labor Unions, Military-Industrial, Free Trade (lost Public Education, gained Private Education, Law & Order, Labor Unions)
R5 – Cons/Trad; Nationalists, RW Activists; Big Corporations, Wall Street, Big Oil & Gas, Isolationists, Protectionist
B1 – Mod; Civil Rights, Reformists; Science (gained Civil Rights)
B2 – Mod; none; Big Oil & Gas, Environmentalist
B3 – Mod; Expansionists; Big Agriculture, Big Pharma, Labor Unions (lost Big Oil & Gas, gained Big Pharma)
B4 – Cons/Trad; Theocrats; Law & Order (lost Nationalists, Big Oil & Gas, gained Law & Order)
B5 – Mod; Expansionists; Big Agriculture, Globalists (gained Globalists, lost Labor Unions)
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Old 02-10-2025, 07:09 PM   #80
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R1 chooses William Bradford (R1) as CC President. Bradford loses Obscure. +50 points to R1.

Francis Dana (R3) named Domestic Chair. Gains Agriculture. +50 points to R3.
William Paca (R4) named Judicial Chair. +50 points to R4.
Nathaniel Gorham (R4) named Economic Chair. Gains Leadership, Transportation. +50 points to R2.
Caesar Rodney (R3) named Foreign/Military Chair. Gains Foreign Affairs. +50 points to R4.

Domestic Committee and gains: William Floyd (B3, Education), Jacob Broom (B4, Environment), John Langdon (B5, Environment), Samuel Maclay (B5, Housing), Lyman Hall (R1, Housing), William Livingston (R2, Housing), Eliphalet Dyer (R3, Technology), Silas Deane (R3, Technology), Theodore Foster (R4, Leadership, Technology).

Economic Committee and gains: Samuel Ashe (B2, Transportation), Christopher Gadsden (B3, Trade), William Maclay (B5, Trade), Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer (R1), William Hooper (R1, Business), Abraham Clark (R1, Transportation), James Duane (R1, Labor), John W Kittera (R1, Business), George Wythe (R1, Welfare).

Foreign/Military Committee and gains: Elias Boudinot (B1, Naval), Richard Henry Lee (B4, Foreign Affairs), John Parke Custis (R2, Naval), James Jones (R3, Foreign Affairs), Daniel Carroll (R3, Army), Daniel Morgan (R3, Foreign Affairs), Tristram Dalton (R4, Foreign Affairs), Walter Livingston (R4, Naval).

Judicial Committee and gains: John Hanson (B2, Justice), Robert Howe (B3, Justice), Andrew Pickens (B3, Justice), Benjamin Guerard (B3), William Samuel Johnson (R1), James Sheafe (R2, Leadership, Justice), Benjamin Huntington (R3), Benjamin Lincoln (R5, Leadership, Justice).

Now that we have an Economic Chair, Nathaniel Gorham (R4) names Robert Morris (R5) Secretary of Treasury. Morris accepts, giving up Ambassador to France. Caesar Rodney (R3) names William Paterson (R5) Ambassador to France. Welfare lobby is upset they didn’t get a nominee for Secretary of Treasury. LW Pop, Prog, Lib go +1 towards Blue. +525 points to R5, +50 points to R4.

B1 – Keeps Ethan Allen; loses Obscure, gains Leadership, +1 Cmd (1), Easily Overwhelmed.
B2 – Keeps John Hancock; gains Puritan.
B3 - Keeps George Clinton; gains +1 Leg (2), +1 Adm (1).
B4 – Keeps Nathaniel Niles; loses Obscure, gains Leadership, +1 Cmd (1), +1 Leg (3), Incoherent.
B5 – Keeps William Cocke; no gains.
R1 – Keeps Thomas McKean; gains +1 Gov (5).
R2 – Keeps Thomas Johnson; gains +1 Adm (3), Incoherent, Predictable.
R3 – Keeps Caesar Rodney; gains +1 Cmd (2), loses Orator.
R4 – Keeps Nathaniel Gorham; no gains.
R5 – Keeps Henry Middleton; loses Obscure, gains +1 Gov (1), Kingmaker, Orator.
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Old 02-10-2025, 07:17 PM   #81
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I am screwing up left and right. I just realized Benjamin Lincoln, who is in the Continental Congress, died last term. Therefore, he is replaced by William Heath (R2). Since Lincoln got Leadership on his roll, Heath will get it instead.
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Old 02-10-2025, 08:04 PM   #82
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B1 – John Smith (CC Member from 1780-1782) dies of pneumonia at age 45.

B2 – John Penn (CC Member from 1776-78 and 1780-82) dies in a deadly accident at age 39.

B3 – Thomas Nelson Jr dies in a deadly accident at age 42.

B4 – Charles Scott (CC Member from 1774-78, signer of Declaration of Independence) dies in a deadly accident at age 41.

B5 – William Preston dies of plague at age 51.

R1 – George Wythe (current CC Member, CC member from 1778-80) dies of pneumonia at age 54.

R2 – James Smith wants to consider other things and retires at age 61. Edmund Pendleton (CC Member from 1776-78, CC Domestic Chair from 1780-82) dies of plague at age 59.

R3 – Jonathan Trumbull Sr (CC Member from 1779-80) retires at age 70 for a private sector job. John Thomas dies of unknown causes at age 56.

R4 – Richard Stockton (CC Member from 1774-76 and 1780-82, signer of Declaration of Independence, Member of Constitutional Convention) dies of malaria at age 50.

R5 – Henry Middleton (Current faction leader, CC Economic Chair from 1774-76, CC F/M Chair from 1778-80, signer of Declaration of Independence, Member of Constitutional Convention) is being pressured out, and announces his retirement at age 63. John McKinly (Member of Constitutional Convention) dies of plague at age 59.

R5 names Robert Morris as new faction leader. Arthur St. Clair (R5) names Arthur Lee (R1) as CC replacement.
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Old 02-11-2025, 10:07 AM   #83
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Did you read about John Pickering's speech last night? What a disaster! This speech was somehow worse than the one Pickering gave last week! (John Pickering (R5) gains Incoherent.)

We may have misevaluated Paine Wingate. Wingate (R5) loses Obscure.
We thought Thomas McKean was washed up, but advisors have been reporting that McKean has rekindled that old fire. (Thomas McKean (R1) loses Incoherent.)

We're forecasting some excitement for Richard Henry Lee and Nathaniel Niles among the more devoutly Christian voters. They've been making rounds to every church in their respective states. (Lee (B4) and Niles (B4) gain +1 in their next election.)

We've been informed by William Cushing 's staff that Cushing has been given a worrying diagnosis. The specifics weren't given, but we can expect that it might impact the longevity of Cushing's political career. (William Cushing (R5) gains Frail.)

There has been talk among politician of the possible presidential candidacy of one of our leading military officers. Benedict Arnold (R5) gains +1 Cmd (3).
The president has been boasting about the administrative skills of one of the cabinet officers. (Robert Morris (R5) gains +1 Adm (5) and Efficient.)

One politician is becoming known as something of a judicial expert by fellow politicians. (James Duane (R1) gains +1 Jud (2).)

One politician is showing such high favorables among voters that it would be foolish for them not to run for president. (James Armstrong (R2) gains +1 Cmd (2).)

One politician, in an attempt to appeal to Middle America, is becoming anti-intellectual to the point of becoming a hatemonger. Few outside their home region can stand this politician. (Richard Henry Lee (B4) gains Provincial and Unlikable.)
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Old 02-11-2025, 10:34 AM   #84
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Anti-Federalist Papers: A series of essays opposed to the US Constitution and a stronger federal government have been appearing in the newspapers under pseudonyms. We can, however, construe who some of the likely authors are based on their recent political actions and oratory. President Bradford (R1) response: Let's not bring any attention to these ramblings. We need a Constitution to build a strong government for national defense and economic growth. +300 points to R4, +200 points to B1, R1, +100 points to B2, R2, R3, -100 points to B4.

Von Steuben Arrives: A German nobleman has recommended and sent Baron Friedrich W von Steuben, an impressive man with military experience, to the Continental Congress to assist our war effort. Von Steuben joins R3. +50 points to R4.

Daniel Boone's Life is Chronicled for Publication: Boone has become a kind of folk hero-pioneer from his years exploring lands west of the Appalachian Mountains. He founded one of the first English-language settlements in this area west of Virginia. A new book chronicling his exploits is now a top seller in bookstores. Daniel Boone (B5) gains Celebrity and loses Obscure.
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Old 02-11-2025, 02:00 PM   #85
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Lingering meters: Rev/Budg -1 (1). Honest Gov’t +1 (8).
Shift towards center: UK relations +1 (4). Honest Gov’t -1 (7). Prog Enthusiasm +1 Red (Decent Blue).
Cabinet effects: no effect
Corruption: Honest Gov’t +1 (8).

CT, MA, MD, RI lead Maritime. MA, PA lead Manufacturing. MA, NY, PA leads finance. SC leads Plantation. NH, VA leads Agriculture. +400 points to R3, +300 points to B3, +200 points to B2, +100 points to R2, B1, R5.

CT – Jonathan Trumbull Jr (R3) fails to Improve Burgeoning Industry (Maritime). Fails to Improve Burgeoning Industry (Finance).
DE – Richard Bassett (B3) fails to Encourage settlement on native lands.
GA – Edward Telfair (B4) improves Burgeoning Industry. Plantation to 3 (co-leader).
MA – John Adams (R3) fails to Improve Burgeoning Industry (Maritime).
MD – Thomas Johnson (R2) fails to Establish State Bank.
NC – Richard Caswell (B2) fails to Establish State Bank.
NH – Josiah Bartlett (B1) improves Burgeoning Industry. Manufacturing to 2 (co-leader).
NJ – John Hart (B4) improves Burgeoning Industry. Agriculture to 1.
NY – George Clinton (B3) improves Burgeoning Industry. Finance to 3 (leader).
PA – Andrew Gregg (B2) fails to Improve Burgeoning Industry (Manufacturing).
RI – John Collins (B3) fails to Improve Burgeoning Industry (Manufacturing).
SC – Alexander Gillon (B3) improves Burgeoning Industry. Plantation to 4 (leader).
VA – Arthur St. Clair (R5) improves Burgeoning Industry. Agriculture to 3 (leader).
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Old 02-11-2025, 04:16 PM   #86
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Only 1 non crisis spending bill. Rev/Budget, Mil Prep all in crisis.

Richard Henry Lee (B4) proposes Create Dept of State (foundation, spending) – F/M
Caesar Rodney (R3) proposes Create Confederation Cabinet (spend, Mil Prep) – Domestic
William Paca (R4) proposes Create Board of Finance (Rev/Budg) - Economic
Samuel Maclay (B5) proposes Create system for settlers to purchase western lands (Rev/Budg) – Domestic
Silas Deane (R3) proposes Privatize Bank of North America (Rev/Budg) – Economic
Benjamin Huntington (R3) proposes Fix Postage Rates for Interstate Postal Services – Domestic

Foreign/Military committee: Create Dept of State passes 8-1.

Domestic committee: Create Confederation Cabinet passes 10-0. Create system for settlers to purchase western lands passes 10-0. Fix Postage Rates for Interstate Postal Services passes 10-0. Francis Dana (R3) packages all bills together, called CC Domestic Act of 1783.

Economic Committee: Create Board of Finance passes 10-0. Privatize Bank of North America passes 10-0.

Create Dept of State passes 10-1 (2 states abstaining). +200 points to B5, +100 points to B3, R3, -100 points to R5. +1 Honest Gov’t (9).

CC Domestic Act of 1783 passes 13-0. +650 points to B3, +350 points to B5, +200 points to B1, R1, R4, +150 points to R3, +100 points to B2, R2.

Create Board of Finance passes 13-0. +300 points to B3, +100 points to R4, R5.

Privatize Bank of North America passes 13-0. +300 points to R5, +100 points to B4.

Enthusiasm shifts due to legislative voting above: Mod/Cons/Trad go +1 Red for most points gained by dominant party. Mod goes -1 Red for least points from dominant party. Mod go +1 Red for most points on opposition party. Mod/Cons/Trad goes -2 Red for least points on opposition party. Final tallies: Mod +1 Blue (already maxed).

Privatize Bank of North America automatically deactivates Create Board of Finance.

Caesar Rodney (R3) selects Henry Laurens (R5) as Secretary of State. Laurens accepts and steps down as Ambassador to Spain. +500 points to R5, +100 points to R3.
William Bradford (R1) selects Richard Peters (R2) as Postmaster General (non-cabinet). +50 points to R2.
Caesar Rodney (R3) selects Francis Dana (R3) as Ambassador to Spain. +75 points to R3.

Military-Industrial and Welfare lobbies upset that they didn’t get any of the candidates. Mod, Cons, Trad enthusiasm all move +1 Blue.
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Old 02-11-2025, 06:16 PM   #87
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CT: R2 nominates Roger Sherman. R3 nominates Jonathan Trumbull Jr (incumbent). R4 nominates Oliver Wolcott Sr. Trumbull Jr wins Red nomination. B2 nominates Thomas Chittenden. With no other nominations, Thomas Chittenden wins Blue nomination. Trumbull Jr wins general election. +100 points to R3. Trumbull gains Science.

DE: R1 nominates Thomas McKean. R2 nominates Thomas Collins. R3 nominates Caesar Rodney. R4 nominates Gunning Bedford Sr. Thomas Collins (R2) wins the Red nomination. B3 nominates Richard Bassett (incumbent). Bassett is unopposed, so wins the Blue nomination. Bassett wins the general election. +100 points to B3. Bassett gains +1 Gov (2), Trade.

MA: R3 nominates John Adams (incumbent). R5 nominates William Cushing. John Adams (R3) wins Red nomination. B1 nominates Samuel Adams. B2 nominates John Hancock. Hancock wins the Blue nomination. Hancock wins general election. +100 points to B2, -500 points to R3.

MD: R1 nominates William Smallwood. R4 nominates William Paca. Smallwood wins the Red nomination. B2 nominates Robert Bowie. Bowie is unopposed so wins the Blue nomination. Bowie wins the general election. +100 points to B2. Bowie gains +1 Gov (2).

NH: R2 nominates James Sheafe. With no other nominees, Sheafe wins Red nomination. B1 nominates Josiah Bartlett (incumbent). B5 nominates John Langdon. Langdon wins Blue nomination. Langdon wins general election. +100 points to B5, -500 points to B1. Sheafe gets -1 in all elections for 6 years.

NJ: R2 nominates Richard Howell. R5 nominates William Paterson. Howell wins the Red nomination. B4 nominates John Hart (incumbent). With no other nominees, Hart wins Blue nomination. Howell wins general election. +100 points to R2, -500 points to B4. Howell gains +1 Gov (2).

NY: R1 nominates James Duane. With no other nominees, Duane wins Red nomination. B3 nominates George Clinton (incumbent). B4 nominates Jeremiah Van Rennselaer. Clinton wins Blue nomination. Clinton wins general election. +100 points to B3. Clinton gains Labor.

PA: R2 nominates Joseph Reed. R3 nominates Benjamin Huntington. R4 nominates Thomas Willing. Reed wins Red nomination. B1 nominates George Bryan. B5 nominates Samuel Maclay. Bryan wins Blue nomination. Bryan wins general election. +100 points to B1. Bryan gains Leadership.

RI: R1 nominates William Bradford. R2 nominates William Greene Jr. Greene wins Red nomination. B3 nominates John Collins (incumbent). With no other nominees, Collins wins Blue nomination. Collins wins general election. +100 points to B3. Collins gains Economics.

SC: R4 nominates John Rutledge. R5 nominates Thomas Bee. Bee wins Red nomination. B3 nominates Alexander Gillon (incumbent). With no other nominees, Gillon wins Blue nomination. Gillon wins general election. +100 points to B3. Gillon gains +1 Adm (1).

VA: R3 nominates Abner Nash. R4 nominates James Wood. Nash wins Red nomination. B2 nominates John Page. B4 nominates Richard Henry Lee. R5 nominates George Mason. Page wins Blue nomination. Page wins general election. +100 points to B2. St. Clair gains Welfare.

Some of the incumbents chose to not run again, which led to some more changes. Blue now holds 11 of the governor spots.
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Old 02-12-2025, 10:32 AM   #88
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CT: Jonathan Trumbull Jr (R3) selects John Davenport (R4), Andrew Adams (R4), and Samuel Huntington (R3).

DE: Richard Bassett (B3) selects John Patten (B3) and Thomas Collins (R2).

GA: Edward Telfair (B4) selects Lachlan McIntosh (B4) and Archibald Bulloch (R4).

MA: John Hancock (B2) selects Samuel Allyne Otis (B2), Joseph Bradley Varnum (B2), John Williston (B1), and Samuel Adams (B1).

MD: Robert Bowie (B2) selects William Smith (B3), Philip Key (B5), John Archer (B3), and William Smallwood (R1).

NC: Richard Caswell (B2) selects William Cocke (B5), Timothy Bloodworth (B4), and Samuel Johnston (R3).

NH : John Langdon (B5) selects Josiah Bartlett (B1) and Simeon Olcott (R4).

NJ: Richard Howell (R2) selects Francis Hopkinson (R1), Philemon Dickinson (R4), and John Witherspoon (R3).

NY: George Clinton (B3) selects Richard Morris (R2), James Clinton (B2), and Abraham Yates Jr (B4).

PA: George Bryan (B1) selects Joseph Reed (R2), Andrew Gregg (B2), John Dickinson (B3), and John Smilie (B1).

RI: John Collins (B3) selects Joseph Stanton Jr (B2) and William Ellery (B3).

SC: Alexander Gillon (B3) selects Thomas Bee (R5), Ralph Izard (R5), and Thomas Sumter (B5).

VA: John Page (B2) selects Return J Meigs Sr (B2), Horatio Gates (B2), Francis Lightfoot Lee (B2), and George Mason (B5).

Blue has taken control of congress, 24-15.
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Old 02-12-2025, 10:54 AM   #89
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Red leads blue 17,351-16,825. However, since red is winning but has the lowest scoring faction (R1), they get a penalty. This is a penalty for the factions not working together. All red factions except R1 lose 10% of their points. After penalty, blue leads red 16,825-15,716. Faction scores in order (reverse draft order in upcoming draft):

R5: 6669
B3: 6450
B4: 3375
R2: 3184
B1: 2875
R3: 2766
B5: 2150
R4: 2097
B2: 1975
R1: 1000

1. George Clinton (B3, Faction Leader, Governor of NY)
2. Thomas Jefferson (B5, Ambassador to UK)
3. John Adams (R3)
4. Edward Telfair (B4, Governor of GA)
5. John Hancock (B2, Faction Leader, Governor of MA)
6. Jonathan Trumbull Jr (R3, Governor of CT)
7. Thomas McKean (R1, Faction Leader)
8. George Washington (R4)
9. John Marshall (R4, Admin Track)
10. Samuel Adams (B1, CC Rep)

R1 is still struggling, and taking down red with them. Blue is gaining control of everything right now, with 11 governors and a supermajority in congress. Can they keep the constituents happy? Red had problems when they were in control, and the voting base seems fickle. Also, the upcoming draft is deep, with heavyweights at the top (Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr, James Monroe, among others).
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Old 02-12-2025, 03:13 PM   #90
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1784 DRAFT
Top picks and draft order:

R1 – Henry Lee III, gains +1 Adm (1)
B2 – Aaron Burr, gains +1 Jud (1)
R4 – Alexander Hamilton
B5 – John Milledge
R3 – Fisher Ames
B1 – Israel Smith (2nd round)
R2 – Jeremiah Smith
B4 – James Monroe
B3 – Robert Smith
R5 – Charles Pinckney

Richard Dobbs Spaight (R5) gains Numberfudger, Caleb P Bennett (B2) gains Unlikable, Joseph McMinn (B5) gains Passive.

William Richardson Davie (R5) gets NH, John Vining (R4) gets NC, and Aaron Ogden (R3) gets PA as alternate states.
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Old 02-12-2025, 05:12 PM   #91
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B1 – Israel Smith to Legis, Caleb Tompkins to Private, Jonathan Robinson to Judicial, Samuel Byran to Admin, Richard Brent to Backroom. Egbert Benson removed from Backroom track after 12 years; gains +1 Adm (1), Energy, Kingmaker.

B2 – Aaron Burr to Backroom, James Wilkinson to Admin, John Adair to Military, Joseph Anderson to Legis, Simon Snyder to Gov, John F Mercer to Private, Theodorus Baily failed to go to Judicial.

B3 – Robert Smith to Admin, James Jackson to Gov, John Armstrong Jr to Military, John Fowler to Legis, H Brockholst Livingston to Judicial, Alexander J Dallas to Backroom, Andrew Kirkpatrick to Private. James Linn removed from Judicial after 8 years; gains +1 Jud (2), Egghead.

B4 – James Monroe to Admin, Othniel Looker to Gov, Samuel J Cabell to Military, William Butler to Legis, Green Clay to Private, John Brown to Judicial, Carter Bassett Harrison to Backroom. John Lambert removed from Private after 12 years; gains +1 Adm (1), +1 Gov (2), Transportation. Cyrus Griffin removed from Private after 8 years; gains +1 Gov (1), Housing.

B5 – John Milledge to Gov, Nathaniel Macon to Legis, Joseph McMinn to Admin, Benjamin Pierce to Private, Alexander Wolcott to Judicial, Thomas Blount to Military, Abraham B Venable to Backroom. John Twiggs removed from Military after 8 years; gains +1 Mil (3).

R1 – Henry Lee III to Legis, Charles Lee to Judicial, George Truitt to Gov, Epaphroditus Champion to Private, Robert Troup to Backroom.

R2 – Jeremiah Smith to Private, Nicholas Fish to Gov, William Tilghman to Backroom, Peleg Coffin Jr to Admin, Taylor Sherman to Judicial, Joshua Coit to Legis, Jonathan Mason failed to go to Military.

R3 – Fisher Ames to Legis, Noah Webster to Admin, Aaron Ogden to Military, William Plumer to Gov, Elijah Paine to Judicial, Chauncey Goodrich to Private, George Gale to Backroom. Amasa Leaned removed from Backroom after 8 years; gains +1 Adm (1), Science.

R4 – Alexander Hamilton to Admin, William Loughton Smith to Legis, James Schureman to Military, John Vining to Private, Philip Barton Key to Judicial, James Jacobus Roosevelt to Backroom, Francis Malbone to Gov. John Houston removed from Admin after 12 years; gains +2 Adm (3), Science, Uncharasmatic. James Iredell removed from Judicial after 8 years; gains +1 Jud (4).

R5 – Charles Pinckney to Backroom, Christopher Gore to Admin, Levin Winder to Military, William Richardson Davie to Private, Richard Doggs Spaight to Legis. George Dent failed to go to Gov. Samuel Sewell failed to go to Judicial. Theodore Sedgwick removed from Legis after 12 years; gains +1 Leg (3), Science. Benjamin Goodhue removed from Private after 8 years; gains +1 Leg (2), Economics, Leadership.
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Old 02-13-2025, 10:45 AM   #92
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Josiah Bartlett (B1), Hugh Williamson (B1), William Williams (B1), William Grayson (B1), Isaac Shelby (B3), Henry Tazewell (B3), Thomas Sumter (B5), William Smallwood (R1), Lyman Hall (R1) all lose Flipflopper.

Daniel Hiester (B1) moves from PA to MD. George Ross (R2) fails to move from PA to NH. George Dent (R5) moves from MD to NH.

B1 – James Madison fails to shift from Cons to Mod. Caleb Tompkins shifts from Lib to Mod; gains Flipflopper, Pliable. Jonathan Robinson shifts from Lib to Mod; gains Flipflopper.
B2 – Aaron Burr shifts from Lib to Mod.
B3 – Robert Smith shifts from Cons to Mod. James Jackson shifts from Cons to Mod; gains Flipflopper.
B4 – Joseph Calhoun fails to shift from Cons to Mod; gains Pliable. Samuel J Cabell fails to shift from Cons to Mod; gains Flipflopper, Pliable. Thomas Mason shifts from Cons to Mod; gains Flipflopper, Pliable.
B5 – Joseph McMinn fails to shift from Cons to Mod; gains Flipflopper, Pliable. Thomas Sumter shifts from Cons to Mod. Thomas Blount fails to shift from Cons to Mod; gains Pliable.

Because Red Moderates and Traditionalists are at lowest enthusiasm, we need to check if anyone switches parties. William Smallwood (R1) jumps to B3. Edmund Randolph (R4) jumps to B2. Richard Dobbs Spaight (R5) jumps to B3.

Thomas McKean (R1) converts Robert Goldsborough (R2). McKean convert Daniel Carroll (R3). McKean fails to convert Esek Hopkins (R3).
Caesar Rodney (R3) fails to convert Ralph Izard (R5); Izard gains Integrity. Rodney fails to convert Richard Butler (R5); Butler gains loses Pliable.
Thomas Johnson (R2) fails to convert Ralph Izard (R5).
Robert Morris (R5) fails to convert James McHenry (R3); McHenry loses Pliable.

Egbert Benson (B1) takes on Peter Gansevoort (B1) as protιgι. Gansevoort gains +1 Jud (1), Justice.
John Hancock (B2) takes on Joseph Bradley Varnum (B2) as protιgι. Varnum gains +1 Leg (3), Justice, Leadership.
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Old 02-13-2025, 10:47 AM   #93
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R1 – LW Pop/Prog/Lib/Mod; Civil Rights; Public Education, Environmentalist, Public Housing, Human Rights, Labor Unions, LW Media, Transportation (loses Reformists, gained Labor Unions, Transportation)

R2 – Mod; none; Public Education, Public Housing, Law & Order, Big Tech (gained Public Education, Public Housing, lost Private Education)

R3 – Cons; Nationalists, Theocrats; Private Education, Globalists, RW Media, Transportation (lost Mod, Environmentalist, Labor Unions, gain Cons, Nationalists, Theocrats, Private Education, RW Media)

R4 – Mod; none; Wall Street, Public Education, Environmentalist, Public Housing, Military-Industrial, Free Trade (gained Public Education, lost Private Education, Law & Order, Labor Unions)

R5 – Cons/Trad; Nationalists, RW Activists; Big Corporations, Big Oil & Gas, Isolationists, Protectionist (lost Wall Street)

B1 – Mod; Civil Rights, Reformists; Public Education, Science (gained Public Education)

B2 – Mod; Expansionists; Environmentalist (gained Expansionists, lost Big Oil & Gas)

B3 – Mod; Expansionists; Big Agriculture, Public Education, Big Pharma, Public Housing, Labor Unions, Transportation (gained Public Education, Public Housing, Transportation)

B4 – Cons/Trad; Theocrats, RW Activists; Military-Industrial (gained RW Activists, Military-Industrial, lost Law & Order)

B5 – Mod; Expansionists; Big Agriculture, Environmentalist (gained Environmentalist, lost Globalists)

Between the draft and politician conversion, R3 completely reinvented themselves, and will have to get a new faction leader who fits their new personality. We'll see if other factions change leaders as well.
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Old 02-19-2025, 10:38 AM   #94
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B2 chooses William Cocke (B5) as CC President. +50 points to B5.

Samuel Allyne Otis (B2) named Domestic Chair. Gains Technology. +50 points to B2 .
William Smith (B3) named Judicial Chair. Gains Justice. +50 points to B3.
John Patten (B3) named Economic Chair. Gains Trade. +50 points to B3.
Joseph Bradley Varnum (B2) named Foreign/Military Chair. Gains Naval. +50 points to B2.

Domestic Committee and gains: Samuel Adams (B1, Media), John Williston (B1), Josiah Bartlett (B1, Energy), Horatio Gates (B2, Housing), John Archer (B3, Energy), Timothy Bloodworth (B4, Media), Abraham Yates Jr (B4, +1 Leg (2), Science), Thomas Sumter (B5).

Economic Committee and gains: John Smilie (B1, Transportation), James Clinton (B2, Transportation), Joseph Stanton Jr (B2, Transportation), Return J Meigs Sr (B2, Trade), Philip Key (B5, Labor), Francis Hopkinson (R1, Labor), Samuel Huntington (R3, Economics), Philemon Dickinson (R4, Labor), Thomas Bee (R5, Economics).

Foreign/Military Committee and gains: William Ellery (B3, Foreign Affairs), Lachlan McIntosh (B4), Thomas Collins (R2, Naval), Joseph Reed (R2), John Witherspoon (R3, Leadership, Army), Andrew Adams (R4, Foreign Affairs), John Davenport (R4, Naval), Archibald Bulloch (R4, Foreign Affairs), Simeon Olcott (R4, Army).

Judicial Committee and gains: Andrew Gregg (B2, Justice), Francis Lightfoot Lee (B2, Justice), William Smallwood (B3, Justice), John Dickinson (B3), George Mason (B5, Justice), Richard Morris (R2), Samuel Johnston (R3, Justice), Ralph Izard (R5).
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Old 02-19-2025, 10:39 AM   #95
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B1 – Keeps Ethan Allen; gains +1 Leg (1).
B2 – Keeps John Hancock; no gains.
B3 - Keeps George Clinton; no gains.
B4 – Keeps Nathaniel Niles; no gains.
B5 – Keeps William Cocke; no gains.
R1 – Keeps Thomas McKean; no gains.
R2 – Keeps Thomas Johnson; loses Obscure.
R3 – Chooses Jonathan Trumbull Jr; gains +1 Leg (3). Now known as Trumbull Patriots.
R4 – Keeps Nathaniel Gorham; gains Likable, Integrity.
R5 – Chooses Benjamin Goodhue; no gains.

RNG was not particularly kind to the faction leaders this phase, other than Gorham.
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Old 02-19-2025, 10:42 AM   #96
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B1 – Amos Singletary dies of unknown causes at age 63.
B2 – John Hanson (CC President 1776-8, Signer of Declaration of Independence, Member of Constitutional Convention, CC Member 1782-4) dies of malaria at age 63.
B3 – John Dickinson (Current CC member, Governor of PA 1776-82) dies of malaria at age 52.
B4 – John Sevier (Governing track) dies of unknown causes at age 39.
B5 – William Maclay (CC member from 1778-80, 1782-84) dies in a deadly accident at age 47.
R1 – Lyman Hall (CC member from 1774-76, 1782-84) retires at age 60 to allow a new generation to enter national politics. Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer (CC member from 1778-80, 1782-84) dies of plague at age 61.
R2 – Artemis Ward (current Senior General since 1780, General from 1778-80) dies in a deadly accident at age 57.
R3 – Eliphalet Dyer (CC member from 1782-84) retires at age 63 to allow a new generation to enter national politics. John Witherspoon (Current CC member, CC member 1778-80) dies of yellow fever at age 61.
R4 – Philemon Dickinson (Current CC member, CC member from 1774-79, Signer of Declaration of Independence, Admiral from 178-81) dies in a deadly accident at age 45.
R5 – Isaac Roosevelt I dies of typhoid at age 58.

NJ Governor Richard Howell (R2) selects John Hart (B4) and John Lambert (B4) as CC member replacements. Hart on Economic committee and Lambert on Judicial committee.

PA Governor George Bryan (B1) selects Thomas Paine (B1) as CC member replacement, on Foreign/Military committee.

Foreign/Military Chair Joseph Bradley Varnum (B2) selects Nathanael Greene (B2) as Senior General. +25 points to B2.
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Old 02-19-2025, 10:45 AM   #97
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Did you see how John Lowell reacted in our meeting? This is one of several recent incidents like this. Lowell doesn't like to be contradicted at all and Lowell can't take even the lightest constructive criticism. John Lowell (R5) gains Disharmonious.

I've been looking at our younger crop of politicians, and Henry Lee III is turning out to be some sort of efficiency wizard. This kid handles almost any issue like its child's play. Henry Lee III (R1) gains Efficient.

We might have found a future star within our party and our faction. George Truitt was expected to give just a routine political appearance at our event, but Truitt really fired up that crowd! George Truitt (R1) gains Charisma.

Yet another scandal! Time to force Timothy Pickering out of office and cut ties with them politically. We can't damage our brand, even if it gives us a temporary setback in an election. We can find someone better to fill their void. Timothy Pickering (R3, admin track) removed from the game.

One military officer is gaining recognition for being an expert on military strategy, innovations, and theory. Nathanael Greene (B2) gains +1 Mil (5).

One of the leading US politicians is strongly considering a presidential run, believing that the government has ignored a fraction of the people for far too long. Thomas McKean (R1) gains +1 Cmd (2).

One of the more wily politicians is talking about a presidential run. Aaron Burr (B2) gains +1 Cmd (1).

This was a pretty interesting phase. R1 had a good phase, with a couple of their young politicians improving, and their faction leader getting more powerful. Perhaps the event that could impact things greatly is Aaron Burr getting his first command point. Command is the hardest thing to get, so this could cause things to play out very differently than happened in real life.
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Old 02-19-2025, 11:29 AM   #98
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Hero of the Revolution Resigns as Commander-in-Chief: Our victorious Commander-in-Chief is humbly resigning from his military post. The eagerness to give up power only makes us want to provide more power. Nathanael Greene (B2) resigns, gains Integrity and Celebrity. +50 points to R1, R2, B1, B2, B3, B5, -50 points to B4.

Religious Freedom Established in Virginia: VA gains +3 EV’s in next census. +50 points to R3, B4.

Foreign/Military Chair Joseph Bradley Varnum (B2) selects Richard Montgomery (B5) as Senior General. +25 points to B5.

Not a lot of events left for this era, especially with the Revolutionary War ending as quickly as it did. Nathanael Greene made the most of his quick stint as Senior General. Montgomery isn't the strongest general, so hopefully no new wars get started soon.
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Old 02-19-2025, 01:56 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by Umbrella View Post
Nathanael Greene made the most of his quick stint as Senior General.

I might be able to dig in the thread(s) and find the answer, but I'm lazy so I'll just ask: Greene was a legit Revolutionary War hero/leader in real life, did that determine/influence his starting role in the game or is this RNG serendipity at work?

edit to add: Question #2 -- why did his stepping down dock B4 50 points?
"I lit another cigarette. Unless I specifically inform you to the contrary, I am always lighting another cigarette." - from a novel by Martin Amis

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Old 02-19-2025, 05:39 PM   #100
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Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA View Post
I might be able to dig in the thread(s) and find the answer, but I'm lazy so I'll just ask: Greene was a legit Revolutionary War hero/leader in real life, did that determine/influence his starting role in the game or is this RNG serendipity at work?

As you said, he was a general in real life, so he started the game with a military rating of 4. Since he was named to Senior General after the war ended, he ended up getting picked since he is still a solid general, and was in the same faction as the person who did the picking. More political than ability. Interestingly, Greene started in R3 faction, but switched sides because he's a moderate, and they hated (and still do to some extent) the red side. If he didn't switch, he probably wouldn't have been promoted. Pretty lucky for him all the way around.

Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA View Post
edit to add: Question #2 -- why did his stepping down dock B4 50 points?

B4 is the Military-Industrial lobby, and they didn't like the Senior General stepping down.
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