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Old 11-23-2005, 08:33 PM   #1
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OT: USCENTCOM Iraqi News Releases

A great site with daily info from Iraq. Simply FYI.

November 23, 2005
Release Number: 05-11-103



CAMP BLUE DIAMOND, AR RAMADI, Iraq — Approximately 200 Iraqi Army Soldiers and 250 Soldiers from the 2nd Brigade Combat Team (2-BCT) attached to the 2nd Marine Division, kicked off Operation Asad (Lions) Nov. 22, in the Tammim area of southern ar Ramadi.

Operation Lions follows Operations Panthers and Bruins, both of which were conducted in different parts of Ramadi. These operations involved Iraqi Army and Coalition Forces clearing sections of the city in order to disrupt the insurgency and set conditions for successful elections on Dec 15.

Terrorists operating in Ramadi continue to try and influence the local Iraqi citizens through murder and intimidation tactics. Terrorists linked to the Abu Musab Al Zarqawi network in Ramadi have vowed to prevent the local citizens from participating in the democratic process and exercise their right to vote.

Since Nov. 16, operations by the Iraqi Army and 2-BCT have resulted in 32 enemy killed and the seizure and destruction of four weapon caches, to include: surface to air missiles, rocket propelled grenades, numerous rockets, mortar rounds, artillery rounds, hand grenades, landmines, small arms, small arms ammunition and various IED making equipment.

“The Iraqi Army has been the main effort in many of our operations. They continue to exhibit professionalism and resolve in securing their country,” said Col. John L. Gronski, commanding officer, 2- BCT.

More information on the operation will be released as it becomes available.

Last edited by Dutch : 11-23-2005 at 08:37 PM.
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Old 11-23-2005, 08:34 PM   #2
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November 23, 2005
Release Number: 05-11-104



TIKRIT, Iraq -- The Iraqi government took control of Saddam Hussein’s palace complex from U.S. Coalition Forces in a historic ceremony Nov. 22 in Tikrit.

Three different U.S. Army units have used the complex as a forward operating base since 2003.

“Now it is the property of the Iraqi people,” said Hamad Hamood Shekti, governor of the Salah Ad Din Province. “Tourists will be allowed to see the palaces.”

Colonel Mark McKnight, commander of 1st Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, handed the “key to the palace” to Shekti during the ceremony, signifying the release of U.S. control.

“The passing of this facility is a simple ceremony that vividly demonstrates the continuing progress being made by the Iraqi government and their people,” McKnight said.

“Two years ago, Coalition Forces fought to rid this nation of an oppressive regime. Since that time, Coalition Forces… have resided on FOB Danger, working alongside Iraqis to protect the four provinces of north central Iraq,” McKnight added.

Although 24 other coalition operating bases have been turned over to the people of Iraq, ten of them in north central Iraq, the Tikrit palace complex is the most significant transition to date. The complex is on more than 1,000 acres of land along the Tigris River. There are 136 buildings on the property with a combined 1.5 million square feet of administrative and living space.

The province was and will stay “a symbol of national unity and brotherhood in Iraq” Shekti said.

“[Today], we celebrate the transfer of the presidential palaces to the patriotic Iraqi hands, signifying the many aspirations and goals of the great citizens of the Salah Ad Din province,” Shekti said.

Shekti said he looks forward to Iraq’s independence, when all multi-national forces are able to leave Iraq, and wants to prove the people of Iraq can manage their issues independently.

“These palaces are owned by not one person anymore,” he said, “and no one will be prevented from entering them in the future, because now it is the property of the Iraqi people.”

The palace complex was initially secured by the 4th Infantry Division in 2003 and designated as Camp Iron Horse during Operation Iraqi Freedom I. Saddam Hussein was captured near Camp Iron Horse in December 2003.

The base was redesignated FOB Danger once it came under the control of the 1st Infantry Division out of Wurzburg, Germany.

The 42nd Infantry Division, a National Guard unit based in New York, took over the FOB Feb. 14, and in July began the process of returning the complex to the Iraqi people.

Many Iraqi officials attended the momentous event, including Lt. Gen. Shahid Aziz, commander of the 4th Iraqi Army; Rasheed Ahmad, chairman of the Salah Ad Din provincial council; and Judge Abd al Hussein Shandal, the minister of justice. U.S. Ambassador Dr. Zalmay Khalilzad and Gen. George Casey, commander of Multi-National Force – Iraq were also in attendance.

Last edited by Dutch : 11-23-2005 at 08:36 PM.
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Old 11-23-2005, 08:35 PM   #3
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November 23, 2005
Release Number: 05-11-106



TIKRIT, Iraq – A joint Iraqi and U.S. mission against a terrorist hideout near Bayji uncovered a large amount of money and weapons.

The operation named Old Baldy was launched Nov. 21 by Soldiers from 1st Battalion, 1st Brigade, 4th Iraqi Army Division and “Rakkasans” from the 101st Airborne Division’s 3rd Brigade Combat Team. More than 30 suspected terrorists and a large cache of money, weapons and material were captured during the operation.

The air assault mission was centered on al Bayji Island, a 10 square kilometer land mass splitting the Tigris River north of Tikrit, Saddam Hussein’s hometown. The island has served as an isolated hideout for terrorists and criminals in the past.

According to Lt. Col. Randy George, commander of Task Force Leader, Bayji Island was a “previously untouched area and we wanted to send a clear message to the insurgents: there is no safe haven in AO Rakkasan.”

The Soldiers swept onto the island before dawn Nov. 21 in UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters from the 101st Combat Aviation Brigade. Over the next 36 hours, the Iraqi and American Soldiers conducted searches of the island, uncovering stores of enemy weapons including rocket-propelled grenades and IED making material.

“This operation instilled confidence in our Iraqi counterparts, and served to further strengthen our partnership with the Iraqi Army,” said George, referring to the Rakkasan partnership with the 4th Iraqi Army Division soldiers.

Last edited by Dutch : 11-23-2005 at 08:36 PM.
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Old 11-23-2005, 08:35 PM   #4
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November 23, 2005
Release Number: 05-11-108



Starting Nov. 23, 800 Iraqi families living in ad Diwaniyah suburbs have a connection to city water main thanks to the efforts of Multinational Division Central South Soldiers. A pipeline system has been built to provide water for the citizens.

A 12 mile long water pipeline system has been built for three housing estates in ad Diwaniyah suburbs which did not have connections to the city water main. Because of the two month long project, about 4000 citizens will have water in their houses.

From the very beginning of its mission the MDCS has been actively engaged in improvement of living conditions for the local population. MNDCS Soldiers organized reconstruction of the civilian infrastructure and provided humanitarian relief for Iraqi citizens. During the last two years, civil military relations’ specialists materialized 2100 projects, including water purification facilities, electrical power stations, educational infrastructure, medical facilities and administrative buildings. In total, they have helped more than 500,000 Iraqi people.
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Old 11-24-2005, 03:08 AM   #5
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A conservative blogger that I read was just talking about this site, how it's partly a propaganda arm. From the articles you gave, they used 'terrorist' 6 times and 'insurgents' once, and that was a person being quoted, which is odd considering that the Iraqi government has come out and said that the US forces in Iraq are legitimate targets. Here is another release:

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Coalition forces acting on multiple intelligence sources and tips from concerned citizens raided a suspected al Qaeda in Iraq terrorist safe house in Baghdad Oct. 31 capturing an al Qaeda in Iraq terrorist named Uthman Faruq Muhammad Abd-al-Hamid (aka Abu Ibrahim). Abu Ibrahim was a technology expert, advisor and supplier to al Qaeda in Iraq terrorists and leaders in Baghdad.

Abu Ibrahim was a computer store owner, a programmer and part owner in an engineering company in Baghdad. Abu Ibrahim admits he supplied hundreds of triggering devices for improvised explosive devices, as well as other technology items, to the al Qaeda in Iraq military commander in Baghdad on multiple occasions. These items include hand-held radios, cellular telephones, wireless telephones, computers, software and computer parts and electronic components.

Abu Ibrahim was also associated with the al Qaeda in Iraq Baghdad propaganda cell. He provided his expertise in the procurement of video equipment, video editing equipment, and computer programs. He was directly connected to the al Qaeda in Iraq propaganda emir and well as other senior terrorists such as Dr. Muhsin, who was detained in June.

Abu Ibrahim also admits to being connected to Abu Hassen who was detained last month. Abu Ibrahim provided Abu Hassen with computers and software to make false identifications. Abu Hassen admitted to making false weapons permits, identification cards and press credentials for various al Qaeda in Iraq terrorists as well as the senior al Qaeda in Iraq terrorist leadership in Baghdad.

These identifications would be used by terrorists to conceal their true identities if stopped by Iraqi Security and Coalition forces. The forgeries also provided a way to openly carry weapons while conducting terrorist activities. These activities could include attacks, kidnappings, and murders. The false identifications would also provide a means of entry as media representatives to various events to reconnoiter them for potential terrorist attacks.
By repitition, they attempt to force the belief on you that the people that attacked us are the same people that we are attacking.
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Old 11-24-2005, 08:08 AM   #6
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i Actually am staying out of this thread since it doesnt have "POL" on the front end of the the title. Therefore, perhaps Dutch did not intend this thread to be debated which is not a bad thing at all. Much like the Katrina update thing, some threads are not intended to be political debates and this perhaps was one. Dutch could clarify, but if it doesnt have "POL" on the front I would rather not debate.....thanks guys.

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Old 11-24-2005, 08:31 AM   #7
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This site is run by the US Central Command w/ General John Abizaid. They are biased because they are actually there being the active members of this unfolding story.

To be fair, most of these stories don't hold water to stand on their own for a news report on ABC or an article in the New York Times, but important none-the-less when trying to gather as much information as possible to form an educated opinion about our troops in Iraq and their progress (or lack thereof).
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Old 11-24-2005, 10:39 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Flasch186
i Actually am staying out of this thread since it doesnt have "POL" on the front end of the the title. Therefore, perhaps Dutch did not intend this thread to be debated which is not a bad thing at all. Much like the Katrina update thing, some threads are not intended to be political debates and this perhaps was one. Dutch could clarify, but if it doesnt have "POL" on the front I would rather not debate.....thanks guys.

moron, with your stupid "POL" nonsense. it's to be expected political discussion will occur from reading "Iraqi News..." in the title.
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Old 11-24-2005, 10:41 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Hell Atlantic
moron, with your stupid "POL" nonsense. it's to be expected political discussion will occur from reading "Iraqi News..." in the title.
Sarcasm > Hell Atlantic
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Old 11-24-2005, 10:42 AM   #10
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November 24, 2005
Release Number: 05-11-110



BAGHDAD, Iraq - Acting on multiple intelligence sources and tips from concerned citizens, Coalition forces raided a suspected Jaysh al-Mujahideen terrorist safe house in Abu Ghurayb, west of Baghdad, Oct. 23.

Captured during the raid was Ahmad Ni’mah Khudayyir Abbas (aka. Abu Shihab), a recently identified Jaysh al-Mujahideen lieutenant who oversaw the propaganda cell and who commanded several mortar and improvised explosive device cells.

Abu Shihab, as the propaganda chief for the Jaysh al-Mujahideen media cell operating in the Baghdad area, initially recorded videos and digitized them to compact disc for distribution to various Jaysh al-Mujahideen and al Qaeda in Iraq terrorist groups. These videos would then be downloaded to various Jihadist web sites as propaganda against Iraqi security and coalition forces.

Additionally, the videos would be used to recruit terrorists and foreign fighters, as well as to provide information on potential targets for other terrorists. As his skills and terrorist connections developed, he began directing and coordinating media operations throughout the Baghdad area for Jaysh al-Mujahideen.

Abu Shihab’s multi-media and organizational skills propelled him to the highest tier within Jaysh al-Mujahideen. Once he became a lieutenant to the Emir of Jaysh al-Mujahideen, he assumed responsibility for a myriad of terrorist duties. Besides overseeing Jaysh al-Mujahideen media operations, Abu Shihab was responsible for the coordination of weapons, explosive purchases and the distribution of money to different terrorist cells, as well as the official record keeping of the organization’s terrorist activities.

Abu Shihab was also in command of several terrorist cells in the Baghdad area, specifically mortar and IED cells. He admitted to conducting numerous bombings and mortar attacks against Iraqi security and coalition forces.

Abu Shihab admitted to being involved in the swindling of money from Iraqi citizens. He, as well as other Jaysh al-Mujahideen terrorists, would represent a local Baghdad charity they set up specifically to funnel donations to Jaysh al-Mujahideen.

One method of garnering donations from local citizens, according to Abu Shihab, was to stage pictures with children and young adults highlighting the “charity’s” name and logo in the background. The pictures would be shown to the Iraqis to solicit money supposedly in support of youth education and religious study; these donations would then be used to support terrorist operations in the Baghdad area.

The Jaysh al-Mujahideen terrorist organization, which is centrally controlled in Baghdad, also has terrorist cells in major cities in Iraq, to include Mosul, Fallujah, Ramadi; Jaysh al-Mujahideen is associated with al Qaeda in Iraq.
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Old 11-24-2005, 10:43 AM   #11
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November 24, 2005
Release Number: 05-11-111



BAGHDAD, Iraq — Iraqi Security Forces and Task Force Baghdad Soldiers responded to a suicide car bomb attack in Mahmudiyah around 10:40 a.m. Nov. 24.

Initial reports indicate 18 Iraqi civilians and six security guards with Force Protection Services were killed in the terrorist attack at the Mahmudiyah Hospital and at least 30 other civilians were wounded. Four U.S. Soldiers were also wounded.

Task Force Baghdad civil affairs Soldiers were at the hospital conducting an assessment for upgrades to the facility when the car bomb detonated.

Task Force Baghdad officials said the target appears to have been the hospital, but the terrorist was unable to penetrate the security perimeter before detonating. Initial reports indicate there was no structural damage to the hospital.

Iraqi Army Soldiers and additional Task Force Baghdad Soldiers quickly arrived to secure the site and provide additional medical support.
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Old 11-24-2005, 10:44 AM   #12
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November 24, 2005
Release Number: 05-11-112



MOSUL, Iraq – A water supply and sewer distribution system completed in November will benefit 4,280 Iraqi homes in Baqubah.

Construction on the new facility began in May 2005 and employed 250 Iraqi construction workers including pipe fitters, plumbers, electricians, masons, carpenters, plasterers, truck drivers and backhoe operators.

The old system provided potable water to only a limited number of homes and needed upgrades to provide a safe water supply to the community. The system could not keep abreast of growth. The new state-of-the-art system serves a larger section of the community and eliminates the need to connect to the storm water system, and stops the discharge of pollution, and health hazards into the river.

This community project is another concrete example of how Iraq is working towards reconstruction, autonomy, and prosperity.
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Old 11-24-2005, 11:21 AM   #13
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November 24, 2005

Release Number 05-14-178



BAGHDAD, Iraq - Coalition forces acting on multiple intelligence sources and tips from concerned citizens rescued a kitten from a suspected Al Qaeda in Iraq tree in Baghdad Nov. 8, kicking off Operation Kitty Treat.

Iraqi Security Forces and Task Force Baghdad Soldiers surrounded the sole remaining tree standing on southwest Baghdad's Plaza of the Sun just after 3 PM and began extraction operations to rescue Fluffy, a 10 week old Persian kitten. Initial reports indicate that Fluffy was stranded in the tree after a vicious ambush attack by al Qaeda in Iraq dogs.

After nearly two hours, Iraqi Security Forces were able to coax the kitten down to the trunk of the al Qaeda in Iraq limb the kitten was tenuously clinging to using a combination of coalition tuna and Task Force Baghdad Soldier MREs.

According to Lt. Col. Marvin Engler, commander of 2nd Brigade Pet Team, 3rd Domestic Chore Division, the tree was a "previously unclimbed specimen of flora and we wanted to send a clear message to the insurgent canine population: there will be no tasty kitten morsels for terrorists."

17 Iraqi Security Forces and theee U.S. soldiers were injured in the rescue operation.

Lt. Col. Engler added, "Who's the cutest widdle kitten? It's you, oh yes it's you!"

This community project is another concrete example of how Iraq is working towards reconstruction, autonomy, and prosperity for all its fuzzy little friends.

Last edited by Shkspr : 11-24-2005 at 11:21 AM.
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Old 11-24-2005, 11:31 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Dutch
This site is run by the US Central Command w/ General John Abizaid. They are biased because they are actually there being the active members of this unfolding story.

As an example, let's take this from the first post:

Originally Posted by Press Release[/b
Terrorists operating in Ramadi continue to try and influence the local Iraqi citizens through murder and intimidation tactics.

My brother's based in Ramadi and is taking part in this operation. Based on his descriptions, it's more accurate to say "Terrorists operating in Ramadi continue to influence the local Iraqi citizens through murder and intimidation tactics."

There's no "try" about it. The U.S. forces around Ramadi have no reliable informants or collaborators, no material support from the local populace, and are the target of constant attacks from insurgents.
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Old 11-24-2005, 12:07 PM   #15
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Glad you posted this link, Dutch. It is nice to have a source for some of the events that don't garner as many headlines.
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Old 11-24-2005, 12:45 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by NoMyths
Glad you posted this link, Dutch. It is nice to have a source for some of the events that don't garner as many headlines.

Thanks NoMyths.
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Old 11-24-2005, 08:58 PM   #17
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And a follow-up to Operation Lions, the original post in this thread from yesterday.

November 24, 2005
Release Number: 05-11-114



AR RAMADI, Iraq — Approximately 200 Iraqi Army Soldiers and 250 Soldiers from the 2nd Brigade Combat Team (2-BCT) concluded Operation Asad (Lions) in the Tammim area of ar Ramadi today.

As a result of Lions, 20 suspected terrorists were detained by Iraqi Army Soldiers and 2-BCT Soldiers.

Lions is the third in a series of disruption operations that aimed to capture or kill al Qaeda in Iraq terrorists in the Ramadi area and deny them the ability to influence the Iraqi people there. Operations Panthers and Bruins denied AQI terrorists the ability to operate in northern ar Ramadi.

These operations, paired with operations west of ar Ramadi, are effectively disrupting AQI terrorists across al Anbar and are creating an environment conducive to free and fair elections Dec. 15.
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Old 11-25-2005, 09:39 AM   #18
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November 25, 2005
Release Number: 05-11-115



CAMP ECHO, Iraq – Multinational Division Central-South Soldiers and local authorities opened a new water plant for al Husain village near Afak (30 km east of Ad Diwaniyah) Nov. 23.

The new facility provides potable water to about 3,000 local citizens.

Prepared by Bulgarian soldiers from MNDCS 1 Brigade Combat Team, the project began two months ago and included the building of a new water plant with the pumps, filters, chlorinate system, generator and 3-km long pipeline system connecting the water plant with the village.

During the past two years, civil military relations’ specialists facilitated more than 2,000 projects; including water purification facilities, electrical power stations, educational infrastructure, medical facilities and administrative buildings.
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Old 11-26-2005, 07:15 PM   #19
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Not Iraq, but Afghanistan. Big news a while back.

November 26, 2005
Release Number: 05-11-116



KABUL, Afghanistan – Coalition officials have released an executive summary today of the investigation into U.S. Soldiers burning the bodies of two dead Taliban fighters.

The Combined Joint Task Force-76 Commanding General, Army Maj. Gen. Jason Kamiya announced the results and actions taken as a result of the investigation into the events occurring Oct. 1 near Gumbad during a press conference held today at Kandahar Airfield.

The executive summary is available on the following link:
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Old 11-26-2005, 07:17 PM   #20
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November 26, 2005
Release Number: 05-11-117



CAMP AR RAMADI, Iraq — Approximately 550 Iraqi Army soldiers and U.S. Soldiers from the 2nd Brigade Combat Team attached to the 2nd Marine Division, kicked off Operation Tigers (Nimur) this morning in the Ma’Laab District of eastern Ramadi.

Operation Tigers is the fourth in a series of disruption operations executed by the Iraqi Army and Coalition Forces to set the conditions for a successful Dec. 15 election in the AL Anbar capital city of Ar Ramadi.

The previous operations which began Nov. 16 were operations Panthers (Numur), Bruins (Dibbah), and Lions (Asad).

Since Nov. 16, actions conducted by the 2BCT resulted in numerous terrorists killed or detained and netted several weapons caches, to include: surface-to-air missiles, rocket-propelled grenades, numerous rockets, mortar rounds, artillery rounds, hand grenades, landmines, small arms, small-arms ammunition and various IED making equipment.

The discovered weapons caches were used by al Qaeda in Iraq-led terrorists to conduct direct attacks on Iraqi Army, Coalition Forces and Ramadi citizens and also to build roadside bombs.

Cordon and searches, blocking off known terrorist escape routes, and searching for weapons caches in the targeted areas, are incorporated as part of Operation Tigers.

Operation Tigers consists of approximately 150 Iraqi Army Soldiers and 400 Coalition Forces.

More information on the operation will be released as it becomes available.
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Old 11-26-2005, 07:18 PM   #21
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November 26, 2005
Release Number: 05-11-119



CAMP BLUE DIAMOND, AR RAMADI, Iraq – The people of al Anbar Province were reconnected to their country’s capital and the rest of the world today as telecommunication services were restored to the region.

Terrorists cut al Anbar’s electronic ties to the globe nearly two months ago, but telephone, television and Internet service was restored by the collaborative efforts of provincial government telecommunication officials and Coalition Forces.

“This is a tremendous achievement, and it means a lot to the people in al Anbar Province,” Mahmoud Abdul Jabbar Mutlak, the al Anbar director general of telecommunications, said through a translator. “The people can get a lot of benefit out of this.”

The repair of the fiber-optic cable reconnected the province with the national fiber-optic network and will provide many of the more than 1.3 million residents of al Anbar access to services such as telephone, television and Internet. This ability to communicate and enhance access to information comes just in time for the Iraqi national election in December.
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Old 11-26-2005, 07:19 PM   #22
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November 26, 2005
Release Number: 05-11-120



CAMP ECHO, Iraq – Multinational Division Central-South Soldiers completed a new road in al Hillah.

Before the project, the area was a dirt road which turned to mud after every rain. The project, prepared by Salvadorian soldiers, lasted 30 days and consisted of hardening the ground and laying 1250 meters of asphalt.

Since the start of the mission in Iraq, the Salvadorian soldiers completed 78 projects worth more than $3 million. Additional projects are ongoing.

MND CS has been actively engaged in improvement of living conditions for local society in the area of responsibility. MND CS soldiers organize reconstruction of the civilian infrastructure and provide humanitarian relief for Iraqi citizens.

During the past two years, civil military relations’ specialists materialized 2,100 projects; including water purification facilities, electrical power stations, educational infrastructure, medical facilities and administrative buildings. In total they helped more than 500,000 Iraqi people.
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Old 11-26-2005, 07:20 PM   #23
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November 26, 2005
Release Number: 05-11-121



BAGHDAD, Iraq – A close family member as well as Coalition sources claimed earlier this week that a gatekeeper and confidant of Abu Mu’sab al-Zarqawi, Bilal Mahmud Awad Shebah, aka Abu Ubaydah, who reportedly met weekly with the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, is dead.

Abu Ubaydah was reportedly killed Oct. 14 when Coalition Forces raided several suspected terrorist hideouts in the Albu Ubayd neighborhood north of Ramadi. Although intelligence analysts assessed Abu Ubaydah was killed during the mid-October raids, they could not determine his death with certainty at that time.

In late November, Coalition Forces received information from knowledgeable sources and a close family member of Abu Ubaydah claiming independently that Zarqawi’s confidant and gatekeeper was killed as a result of the Oct. 14 raids.

Detained members of al-Qaeda claim Abu Ubaydah served as an “executive secretary” for Zarqawi; met with Zarqawi frequently; served as a messenger and gatekeeper for Zarqawi; screened all messages and requests for meetings with Zarqawi; was one of Zarqawi’s most trusted associates; provided Zarqawi with safe house locations; and used intimidation and death threats to gain the cooperation of the Iraqi people to support al Qaeda in Iraq terrorist activity.

During the course of the raids, several weapons caches, containing mortar rounds, small arms and ammunition, were found and destroyed. Mortar rounds were also emplaced along the road leading to the safe houses, serving as improvised explosive devices against incoming vehicle or foot traffic. The forces were engaged by small-arms fire upon their arrival to the suspected terrorist location and immediately returned fire. Combining the ground attack with the use of close-air support, the terrorists’ hideout locations were destroyed.

No Coalition forces were injured or killed during the raids.
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Old 11-26-2005, 07:26 PM   #24
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In Reference to the Afghan story...

If you are truly interested in seeing two completely different viewpoints of the same event--check these out.

Nobody is lying, but one is rather bland and factual, the other is more sensationalized. Obviously the first doesn't sell newspapers, but it's easy to see how the media can change the overall perception of an event based on how the story is told. Both are good reads.

Last edited by Dutch : 11-26-2005 at 07:27 PM.
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Old 11-26-2005, 07:39 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Dutch
This site is run by the US Central Command w/ General John Abizaid. They are biased because they are actually there being the active members of this unfolding story.

To be fair, most of these stories don't hold water to stand on their own for a news report on ABC or an article in the New York Times, but important none-the-less when trying to gather as much information as possible to form an educated opinion about our troops in Iraq and their progress (or lack thereof).

That being said, one side of the story here as well - isn't it Dutch ? Its charged with painting the US in a positive light - as one would expect the military command to do. Nothing wrong with that of course, but given how much you complain about bias, it seems like you'd use another source.

Last edited by Crapshoot : 11-26-2005 at 07:41 PM.
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Old 11-26-2005, 08:10 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Crapshoot
That being said, one side of the story here as well - isn't it Dutch ? Its charged with painting the US in a positive light - as one would expect the military command to do. Nothing wrong with that of course, but given how much you complain about bias, it seems like you'd use another source.

It is indeed. But now you do realise there are two sides of the story. Before, the argument was that there was not.

EDIT: But please be aware that most of this information is not known to the average TV viewer. Most of this information is truly *news* as it's not being reported elsewhere unless somebody died.

Last edited by Dutch : 11-26-2005 at 08:26 PM.
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Old 11-26-2005, 10:22 PM   #27
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Jacksonville, FL, I want to get involved here but I wont. Just know that....Im biting my tongue

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