
Dear Randoms...

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Old 11-14-2017, 09:34 AM   #1
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Dear Randoms...

- Your ego is your biggest enemy. Stop being stubborn stupid, you just end up highly committed to being wrong.
- Don't try to coach the team if you've never even played basketball IRL, there are many things you don't know.
- If someone says change your camera angle, try it, they're probably trying to get on the same page as you.
- Ever heard of icon pass?
- If you don't know what 'rotate on defense' means, don't tell someone "guard your man" (when he just scored and his player is on the other side of the court).
- The who to guard arrow doesn't mean you are a robot. Ever heard of team defense?
- If you buddy ball, have fun playing 4 vs 5. Just because you all are in a party together and only pass to your BFFS4LIFE, doesn't mean you're any good or better than other randoms.
- Spread out!
- Why are you cloggin' the paint? I'm trying to dunk!
- If you are using broadcast cam, your transition defense is going to be terrible (blind spots). Just a FYI -- just about every top ranked / competitive pro-am team uses 2K Cam. Vs CPU? Great use whatever camera you want. Multiplayer? You're gonna mess up the flow and spacing using a different camera from everyone else.
- If your record is 50-400, do yourself and everyone else a favor and just delete your game. It's not for you.
- Plenty of players have low iq. The worst players are low iq + scum attitude = never learn, never evolve.
- Stop smoking crack right before playing 2K! Say no to drugs! What is wrong with your BRAIN?
- Why do you keep passing to the same idiots over and over and expecting different results?
- This isn't 'MyCAREER', you aren't the only player on the court, and the game doesn't revolve around you.
- If it ain't working, try something DIFFERENT
- Dribbling around for 20 sec is not a good PG

What'd I miss?



- JohnnyKilroi, JRC. All this guy did was ball dominate for 20 sec of the clock, go 2 for 9 with terrible defense, and buddy ball with his equally trash teammate. We lost by 15. This buds for you Johnny.
- Sad Guy Seebs
- martinT15, JRC. Omfg. That guy that calls for the ball 24/7. Took away about 10 CPU points by calling for the ball. Also took 100 contested shots. You'd think his trash record would make him stop playing. Nope. Dudes absolute trash.
- I Uncle Ruckus I. Worst PG ever
- cucopuffz1300 - overall a p.o.s. in every way
- callmesotelo - hands down the worst scum trash I've ever had as a teammate. First he ballhogs for 20 seconds of the clock, shoots 20% taking contested 3's with 2 guys on him. Then when we stop passing to him the ball he throws the game. We still only lost by 4 playing 4vs5. Dudes pathetic. Avoid.


*Wise man once said, 'never play with randoms'

Most Randoms have this Limited Brain Badge on HOF in 2K:

Last edited by Keith01; 03-06-2019 at 10:45 PM.
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Old 11-17-2017, 03:23 AM   #2
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Re: Dear Randoms...

90% of walkon is filled with absolute bums. Lemme just reiterate how low the iq of the 2k community. Smh
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Old 11-17-2017, 04:35 AM   #3
3ShowTime2's Arena
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Re: Dear Randoms...

Hehe I feel you, however, if theres one thing I could teach randoms before anything else, it would be how to properly SPACE THE FLOOR...
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Old 11-17-2017, 05:31 AM   #4
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Re: Dear Randoms...

Yeah just played a game with literally 3 guys cutting at the same exact time for 4 quarters. They don't learn. Dude I play a lot during weird hours, or I'd play more with my friends list, and I swear I'm looking for just ONE player who isn't mentally handicapped. Like I'm not exaggerating, 90% are bums. It's like if I bought a Cricket game or some foreign sport I've never played. It's like the NBA or basketball is a completely foreign concept to them. I don't even understand why people buy a game they literally have 1% understanding of.
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Old 11-17-2017, 01:28 PM   #5
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Re: Dear Randoms...

Originally Posted by 3ShowTime2
Hehe I feel you, however, if theres one thing I could teach randoms before anything else, it would be how to properly SPACE THE FLOOR...
As a filthy random in proam, how should I space it for my team as a Pure Glass? I find that I'm always trying to jam into the dead center of the paint for ORebs.
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Old 11-17-2017, 03:07 PM   #6
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Re: Dear Randoms...

Originally Posted by ggurface
As a filthy random in proam, how should I space it for my team as a Pure Glass? I find that I'm always trying to jam into the dead center of the paint for ORebs.
Why not set "off-ball" screens outside of the paint and get other players open?

A lot of guys need to be able to attack the paint in order to set up their shot. If you're down there hogging the space so you can get offensive boards, they'll never be able to force their defender to respect their drive because you are essentially doing it for them.
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Old 11-17-2017, 03:12 PM   #7
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Re: Dear Randoms...

Originally Posted by Keith01
Yeah just played a game with literally 3 guys cutting at the same exact time for 4 quarters. They don't learn. Dude I play a lot during weird hours, or I'd play more with my friends list, and I swear I'm looking for just ONE player who isn't mentally handicapped. Like I'm not exaggerating, 90% are bums. It's like if I bought a Cricket game or some foreign sport I've never played. It's like the NBA or basketball is a completely foreign concept to them. I don't even understand why people buy a game they literally have 1% understanding of.
What I don't get are the guys who are slashers who refuse to cut to the bucket.

I'll be looking to set these guys for oops or allow them to work it underneath but they'll stand around the perimeter looking for an isolation (so useless sometimes).

If they aren't doing that, they'll constantly try to set you screens but refuse to actually roll or fade after contact.

So many people play this game like they are playing a MyCareer game. Like they are the only ones who have the ability to work the ball and have no concept of facilitating other's work.
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Old 11-17-2017, 03:41 PM   #8
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Re: Dear Randoms...

Originally Posted by Thunderhorse
What I don't get are the guys who are slashers who refuse to cut to the bucket.
The only thing that pisses me off more than this is the sharpshooters who refuse to hit the open 3s I give them, but instead, choose to drive to the basket and take a heavily contested layup.

I hate playing with randoms, I don't even do it anymore, I gave up.

It's ridiculous too, it could just be my own personal experience, but every time I play with a random the guys record is like 50-270 .. if you're consistently that bad, might wanna try a new game lol that can't possibly be enjoyable.
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