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Old 08-01-2007, 06:54 PM   #5
Be Massive
sportsdude's Arena
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Re: Message to all negative Critics(2k and EA)

well the things I've complained about in regards to each game are things I've complained about since 2001. Block suction, DBs with a sixth sense, poor tackling and collision detection, AI playcalling, etc. In the beginning, I gave the developers the benefit of doubt that they didn't have enough resources (time, staff, money, system constraints) to fix all these things within a year time frame. But now, with the high powered systems out, I simply thought we would be past most of these things and we aren't. And it doesn't if you're a 2k fan or an EA fan, the same problems have plagued these games for years and it's starting to upset me.

I realize that the developers are very hamstrung and have to make the most out of a game with not enough resources. Overall, football gaming to me has been the slowest to progress and I just don't understand why. I see massive improvements in other sports games, why is football so different?

edit: I guess, I'll put it like this. I see games like MLB 06 The Show, NBA 2k7, Winning Eleven 9 and those games are so much better than they had been in previous years. I see Madden, NCAA and now APF and it feels like more of the same.
Lux y Veritas

Last edited by sportsdude; 08-01-2007 at 06:57 PM.
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