09-04-2007, 07:43 PM
I'm not on InstantFace.
OVR: 22
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Slider Hell
Posts: 6,172
Re: 07 for xbox1 for 11 bucks worth it?
I jumped from '04 to '07 last year (on the old gen). I didn't play '06, so I can't totally relate.
But I can tell you that '07 was a real struggle for me. I felt that the momentum was way over done. If you are one that messes with sliders alot, this might be frustrating. I could set the sliders for a great game. But then the opponent would take a 3-0 lead, and the EA momentum would turn Tulsa into USC. Also, a majority of games were blowouts (again, momentum).
At least that was my experience.