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Old 03-10-2008, 08:25 AM   #1822
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Re: Major League Baseball 2K8 360 Impressions

Originally Posted by baa7
A few examples of poor/sloppy programming in this game:

-- I fire up my first game without touching sliders. The CPU proceeds to hit 8 HR's with the first 10 batters it sends to the plate. The infamous meat pitch programming, wow. And this is supposed to be 2K's sim answer to The Bigs?
? Why are you throwing so many meatball pitches? Once you get the hang of pitching you won't see this happen. My last two games I haven't given up one meatball pitch for a homerun. The homeruns I've given up were on poorly placed pitches.

I agree that the meatball pitch is terrible. But it isn't as bad as people who obviously haven't played enough games are making it out to be. If you're giving up 8 meatball pitches to the first 10 batters then I'd have to question how much you've been playing or whether you actually understand the new pitching system.

-- After a few innings of batting, I notice the CPU seems to be throwing nothing but strikes. So I decide to test things out. I fire up a game against a certain team and pitcher. The CPU pitcher starts the game off by throwing 9 pitches for strikes, and my guys go down in order.

So I adjust the sliders, lowering all three AI Throw Strike sliders to 0. I fire up another game and the CPU pitcher proceeds to throw 9 pitches for strikes, mowing my guys go down in order.

So now I go in and edit that same CPU pitcher's Strikeout, BB and individual pitch control ratings to 0. This guy should be throwing nothing but balls and wild pitches. Result: strikes out the side on 11 pitches. This is basically the game killer for me, this bit of (non)programming.
I can't argue with you on this one. The CPU throws too many strikes. I've been getting better at forcing them to throw balls as I've become a better hitter over time but it still isn't enough. This needs to be fixed.

I had one game where I walked four times and thought that maybe I was on to something. Then the next game I walked 1 time. It's still not enough.

Serious question. How many walks per game are you guys seeing in The Show?

-- A little thing but so indicative of the how this game plays overall: At the end of a play - say, a 6-3 groundout - the players often just disappear. That's the transition scene into the next batter. You're watching the batter running to first. You see the ball as it comes across the diamond, and you see the first baseman catch it and the ump call the runner out. Then the scene freezes for 1-2 seconds while the players vanish - they're suddenly not there anymore all. You can still see their shadows on the field, but no players.
Stuff happens. I hardly see how this is a game killer. You're picking out the poor examples and ignoring the good. You're telling me that you've never seen a glitch in The Show? They happen in every game.
"It may well be that we spectators, who are not divinely gifted as athletes, are the only ones able to truly see, articulate and animate the experience of the gift we are denied. And that those who receive and act out the gift of athletic genius must, perforce, be blind and dumb about it -- and not because blindness and dumbness are the price of the gift, but because they are its essence." - David Foster Wallace

"You'll not find more penny-wise/pound-foolish behavior than in Major League Baseball." - Rob Neyer

Last edited by CMH; 03-10-2008 at 08:28 AM.
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