Thread: NHL 09 Preview
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Old 06-16-2008, 08:35 PM   #54
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Re: NHL 09 Preview

Originally Posted by baa7
I've been trying, and I have held the CPU to 15 shots a period a few times.

Here's what it does do: it allows people who are having trouble on Allstar, but find Pro too easy, to move up and play on Allstar. Lowering CPU aggression ratings keeps the CPU from going into berserker mode most of the time. And when it does, the lower Aggression, Speed, Agility and Deking ratings make sure the CPU doesn't completely overpower you.

You get the Allstar-level CPU defensive aggression and checking (and penalties) which is lacking on Pro, but without a lot of the CPU berserker mode gameplay and cheats.
The solution is just to play on superstar to begin with but I digress.
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