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Old 06-29-2008, 12:31 AM   #1
OVR: 4
Join Date: Dec 2005
3-4 defense sim stats glitch.

hey. i dont really play 2k a lot but this is the first time i actually noticed it. i simmed a season with the steelers and when i looked at the stats i can see that only 3 line backers are getting stats while the 4th one gets only like 3 tackles or something.

this goes for the same with other teams using the 3-4 like the chargers and ravens. i mean donnie edwards and ray lewis would get 5 tackles a season.

i can tell the problem is that when the game sims it uses a 4-3 defense. is this a confirmed glitch? if so is their anyway to fix it. i understand if i play the games my team will be fine but what about the cpu teams.
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