It might not exist, but I'm up by two score on Miami of Ohio and the QB starts calling the exact right play against my D every time. And the AI knows the "money plays" by heart. And the D is in perfect position every play. And "voila" before I know it were tied. I hope you ubderstand the point I'm trying to make. It kind of a "yin-yang" kinda thing. They add "wide-open" gameplay but then no D-line upgrades to balance it out. So I'm there fighting a CPU AI with D-Lineman who now get blocked better than ever and can't stop the super accurate QB. I guess what frustrates me is that the game goes one way or the other depending on focus for that year instead of growing in a balanced manner toward reality. Is it a time thing or a vision thing, "the running game is weak so lets give them hit and truck sticks....." But not to sound overly negative, I like the tuning on D-backs. Nicely balanced and make realistic plays. It is good to hear about Madden! Brian
P.S. I might be the only one who does this but I read the credits on NCAA. I saw the shared resource teams you were talking about. I tinl they were called "centrals?" It was cool to see your name and Simon's and Adam's. That's why I'm bringing up NCAA gameplay. It seems to be a shared resource, to an extent.