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Old 07-12-2008, 09:13 PM   #79
BrianFifaFan's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 09 2008 Super Bowl Video (IGN)

Originally Posted by TheFuture15
Madden is definitely much more "sim" than NCAA.

It's been a while since I've heard the old "comeback code" line...I swear on my life there is no such thing.
It might not exist, but I'm up by two score on Miami of Ohio and the QB starts calling the exact right play against my D every time. And the AI knows the "money plays" by heart. And the D is in perfect position every play. And "voila" before I know it were tied. I hope you ubderstand the point I'm trying to make. It kind of a "yin-yang" kinda thing. They add "wide-open" gameplay but then no D-line upgrades to balance it out. So I'm there fighting a CPU AI with D-Lineman who now get blocked better than ever and can't stop the super accurate QB. I guess what frustrates me is that the game goes one way or the other depending on focus for that year instead of growing in a balanced manner toward reality. Is it a time thing or a vision thing, "the running game is weak so lets give them hit and truck sticks....." But not to sound overly negative, I like the tuning on D-backs. Nicely balanced and make realistic plays. It is good to hear about Madden! Brian

P.S. I might be the only one who does this but I read the credits on NCAA. I saw the shared resource teams you were talking about. I tinl they were called "centrals?" It was cool to see your name and Simon's and Adam's. That's why I'm bringing up NCAA gameplay. It seems to be a shared resource, to an extent.
Note to Tiburon Marketing:

A great product sells itself, no "back of the box" features required! (See Fifa...)

Last edited by BrianFifaFan; 07-12-2008 at 09:16 PM.
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