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Old 07-14-2008, 04:09 PM   #19
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Re: On the Fence About NCAA Football 09

Originally Posted by Illcat
But, this is the world of a sports games and I accept it because "all the classic games had glaring issues; from Tecmo Bowl to the 2K series these games had huge flaws but we were able to still enjoy the games." IMO, NCAA will be no different.
True, but there is a difference between glitches and game play limitations.

The basic game play of Tecmo Bowl was ridiculous - have defenders that were 10x faster than your WR/RB and even FASTER if they were far behind you so they could always catch up, instead of defensive plays you tried to pick the O's play and if you guessed it right it was a jail break, etc.

Could you imagine if you had to juke the same defender four times in NCAA 09 like you had to in Tecmo Bowl?

I mean it's as far from realistic as you could get BUT the game did not have large glitches. Tecmo chose to create a crazy interpretation of the NFL and executed it as intended.
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