
NCAA Basketball 10 Initial Impressions

Posted 11-19-2009 at 03:35 PM by ehh
Updated 11-19-2009 at 03:56 PM by ehh
I picked up NCAA Basketball '10 yesterday, like many others, with limited expectations. I just sold off Live after enough frustrating things caused me to give up on the game but had some hope for NCAA '10 because I thought it would correct some of the complaints I had with Live after playing the demo.

Let's get the negatives out of the way, some larger issues from Live 10 that are in NCAA '10:

  • Minimal fast breaks though the CPU will push the ball a lot if they're up
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NCAA Basketball '10 Demo Impressions

Posted 11-13-2009 at 03:19 PM by ehh
Updated 11-13-2009 at 03:22 PM by ehh
College basketball is my favorite sport so naturally I look forward to the college basketball game (still sad that it isn't games) more than any other release each year. NCAA '10's demo finally dropped last night for the PS3, here are my thoughts...

I played about ten games, first five on All-Conference (All-Star in Live) and then five on Varsity (Pro). After the first five games I was ready to delete the demo, same issues post-patch from Live were already annoying me on AC.
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NBA Live 10: Trouble getting to the FT line and using Layup Solutions? READ THIS!

Posted 11-10-2009 at 02:52 PM by ehh
Updated 11-10-2009 at 02:58 PM by ehh
Have you given up on Live because you can't get to the FT line? Or because the CPU has an unfair advantage and gets all the foul calls while you get pummeled and the refs swallow their whistles? Or because you're tired of getting sucked into bad collision animations where you never make the shot and never get a foul called? Tired of too much stupid contact?

Well, pick Live back up one more time and give this a try...

C/P'd from my post in the Live 10 forum.
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A Tribute to a Legend: The Best Bill Walton Quotes

Posted 11-04-2009 at 09:35 PM by ehh
Updated 11-04-2009 at 09:37 PM by ehh
Some are comedic gold, some are just regular quotes. Either way, Walton was my favorite NBA announcer of all time. It was sad to hear that was retiring from the mic due to back problems. Here are some of his best and most memorable quotes, enjoy...

"The only man who can stop Cliff Robinson is Cliff Robinson. The man is unstoppable even at 38."

"Kenyon Martin is the 2nd best player in the Eastern Conference."

"I want...
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Five Do's and Don'ts of NBA Live 10's Gameplay

Posted 10-12-2009 at 06:09 PM by ehh
Updated 10-14-2009 at 05:18 PM by ehh
After spending six days with the game and getting more comfortable with the gameplay here's some of what I've really noticed.

Five Don'ts...

1. Attempt a lay up or dunk every time you get past your initial defender on the perimeter. Just like IRL, if you shake your first defender (head fake, dribble drive, whatever) it is not a license to go barreling into the paint and attempt to posterize whatever poor CPU souls happen to be in there. Pay attention to the help defense...
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