07-22-2008, 12:20 AM
OVR: 13
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: WI
Re: NCAA Designers Step Up to the Plate
I am all for the interaction by EA employees. I am glad they are here and I like the fact that they have responded to both positive and negative posts and have really demonstrated some thick skin.
That being said, how come every year the games (NCAA & Madden) ship with serious glitches or flaws, most of which are things that were fine the year before??? The testers would all be out of a job if I were at EA. The thing about the "automation writer" writing a "program" to test naming rosters, is that you don't need a guy to write a test! The game had not even been in a guys hand for 48 hrs and he found the glitch. This is piss poor testing. Piss poor testing within a video game company falls directly onto piss poor leadership.
The roster issue, the extremely poor K/P coverage issue, and the expansive online dynasty issues would never have made it through the testing phase if I tested the damn game!!!
The K/P coverage issue slaps you in the face the very first time you play a game. There is absolutely no way a half-*** football fan would miss this!!! So how the hell does the game ship with this issue???
The name thing? Are you freaking kidding me??? You offer a couple of these "roster gurus" an early copy in exchange for testing this before the game "goes to print"!!! No need for a "program"!!! The fact that it never occurred to test this is a serious problem, it is one of the most popular features of the game!!!
I haven't "discovered" the online dynasty glitches yet, but come on! This feature is overdue and you don't do your due diligence to insure that it works properly??? The test phase for this feature should have been the #1 priority outside of game play (note K/P coverage)!!!
The fact is that EA dropped the ball again. These issues should have never been shipped. If they missed them, they are incompetent. If they knew and shipped anyway, they have serious leadership issues and absolutely no respect for the consumers (us)!!! Whichever the case, EA needs better leadership and serious changes within the quality assurance/ testing areas!!!