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Old 03-10-2009, 06:29 PM   #32
markprior22's Arena
OVR: 7
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Springfield, Illinois
Re: Guess what? Guess pitch is unrealistic!

Originally Posted by chuckm1961
Why aren't you swinging a real wooden bat at the screen then? Why are you just pushing buttons? That seems "unrealistic."

Curious, for those of you who can't help bashing Guess Pitch..... in MVP 05, the ball was colored different colors for fastball, breaking ball, change up. Was that cheating too? I'm just searching for any type of logic in your argument.
I don't use either but I think it is unfair to compare these two things. The MVP batters eye at least was on the periphery of making sense. Good hitters can pick up various things by the spin of the ball. This still probably gave too much of an advantage but at least it was based on a good thought. Guess pitch is simply a MLB The Show option. It has nothing to do with "real" baseball. A better implementation would be 1) guess pitch 2) get no feedback right or wrong 3) if you guessed correctly, you're sitting on the pitch and get a nice bonus...if wrong, you make little or no contact. You are rewarded if you guess a pitch correctly IRL but the pitcher doesn't say "you got comes a fastball." You're simply sitting on the ball and drive it.

I don't have any qualms either way with how people play but I see definite differences in this comparison.
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