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Old 03-30-2009, 05:25 PM   #3
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Re: Why do foreigners think that soccer is more exciting to watch than football?

Originally Posted by bconngemini
One thing I never understood is why our sports aren't watched overseas like our movies and entertainment are. Even more puzzling is why foreigners watch soccer, soccer is so boring and lame, nothing happens in soccer. I just don't get it, how can you be excited over a 1-0 game? Theres only 1 goals scored, nothing happens the rest of the time! Its like 89 minutes of tedious boredom, with maybe 5 seconds of action when the goal is scored. On the other hand the NFL is non-stop awesome action of masculinity and toughness and big hits where huge men wearing war armor get pounded hard and score 7 times more points.

So what's up with that, why do foreigners think football is boring and soccer is exciting when its the other way around?

I'm guessing you never watched soccer.
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