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Old 04-03-2009, 12:15 AM   #161
OVR: 23
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Re: ***Official patch 2 impressions thread (PS3 only)***

Originally Posted by Guffers
The biggest downer for me regarding AI aggression is that it wouldn't of been an issue if they had left in the sliders from the last two years that allowed you to adjust the hitting tendencies of the CPU!!!

I just played another game before and got rolled 13-1 as the A's against the Mariners. The AI was swinging and making contact with absolutely everything, pitches on the corners, outside the zone, well outside the zone. They were hyper aggressive all game. Their pitching was brutal as well, they barely threw any balls and were 95% strike on the first pitch, it was impossible to work the count.

The three games I have played post patch have all had a pitch count of below 70 for me, which shows the lack of patience at the plate from the CPU. I was using Inside Edge and pitching to their cold zones but they were still swinging away and making good contact almost everytime. Is it just me or are there hardly any foul balls in this game?
Are you sure you have the patch? These things were supposedly all issues at the top of their list. Just seems weird to me we are hearing such mixed things.
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