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Old 04-15-2009, 05:13 PM   #28
GoBlue!'s Arena
OVR: 2
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Bowling Green, Ky
Re: How many games do you play?

Wow. My hat is off to those that do 162. I get bored of it after about 20 games. I can never stick with the same team for to long. I'm starting my first 'chise and it took three days for me to pick K.C. as the team. I played several games to make sure uniforms and stadium were perfect etc. I was VERY disapointed to see all the errors in the Braves this year but it looks like K.C. is as close as the game gets ot perfect and a team that I will have to work on to build up to a powerhouse.

Think I will do the play the first 5 then sim every 5 plan, maybe I can actually finish a season with this game.
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