04-17-2009, 11:21 AM
Re: What Happened to PC Sports Gaming?
I'm a hardcore PC gamer myself. The games that are being made on consoles wouldn't have as many limitations on PC. I know right off the bat, a good gaming PC cost quite a bit at the start, but you get more variety, less limitations, more performance, and lower prices. I think its a money thing more that stealing. Like Madden 10 could not sell for $60 on PC and the price would drop about $10 every 2-3 months. I was in Gamestop and saw $60 360 games, only $40 on the PC. I know I have about 10 games I play all the time and they are all published by EA, but they are the one I am the maddest at. I want Madden on PC (my Xbox and PS3 are broke).