05-20-2009, 10:21 AM
Hall Of Fame
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Chicago, ILL
Posts: 16,406
Re: Official UFC 09 Undisputed Career progression thread
Went Welterweight.
Already had my first rival. I'm 8-2, but both losses were to the same dude. Knocked my *** out both fights. Well I'm training for another fight and Dana White says, "Hey help me out I need you to fill in for so and so for a fight in two weeks". Well it's against the guy that whupped me both fights. SO I jump on it.
This guys a great striker. In my past two fights I was sticking and moving, and he loved that. He just waited and waited, and worked me down until BOOM! So I lost twice with that strategy. The third fight I said **** it, I'm going all offense. I was on him like white on rice from the beginning. My guys a kick boxing specialist so I kept rocking him. Totally different fight the 3rd time, knocked his *** out in the 2nd. I was so excited that I flipped off my TV when the dude went down....
That's when I knew it was time for bed