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Old 05-26-2009, 03:20 PM   #196
BrianFifaFan's Arena
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Re: BONUS Madden NFL 10 Blog: USAF Thunderbirds

Originally Posted by Valdarez
I really hate advertising in Madden. It's been over done in that last generations, in ways that don't line up with the game. The presentation of a snickers bar at the coin flip for example. I pretty much hate ANY product that's shown there now. I haven't had a snickers bar since 2007. I digress though...

If Madden is truly upping the ante with regards to presentation, it might be neat if they had old super bowl commercials in there between the half in offline mode.

If they added the ability to update their content, they could add new spots, ahead of next year's Super Bowl, as a way to 'test' the ads before their Super Bowl debut, using Madden as a way to see if gamers watch the entire ad or click through it to get back to the game.

Take this idea to Peter Moore guys. I'm sure he'll love it. He's all about the online advertising revenue potential of the game.
See, I disagree. I used to love how the guys would redo the stadium mods for MVP and had real signage. I know they were unlicensed, but they added so much more authenticity. If EA would replace the Knobby Tires signs with as much real-life stuff as possible, I'd love it. I don't like generic stuff detracting from the experience. But I do kinda agree about the Coke Zero coin toss. It should be more subtle, like signage. Or maybe have multiple sponsers that would switch up bringing you the game...?
Note to Tiburon Marketing:

A great product sells itself, no "back of the box" features required! (See Fifa...)

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