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Old 05-27-2009, 12:13 AM   #50
smace767's Arena
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Location: Washington by way of CT and OK
Re: NCAA 10 vs Madden, EA and other issues.

Originally Posted by AC IS ART
I just don't get it. I'm not trying to bash or flame or anything, but what was a higher priority over formation subs? It just seems like over the years its the same generic response of why things the consumers want are not put into the game. If their was more interaction with the community besides OMT, maybe it wouldn't seem like people are bashing him.

I understand this is no easy feat when it comes to programming games, but it feels like a waste of time to make wishlists or suggestions when the things we want the most (a fundamentally sound game of football with college atmosphere) are continually overlooked or responded with "will try to get it in the next year".

A big reason why it seems like Madden is crushing NCAA, is not because of advertising or hype or whatever crap is being said as the reason. Its because this community specifically, feels they have actual input/voice on how the game progresses. With NCAA its more like whenever we receive info/media it only raises more questions or eyebrows. Until NCAA adopts the mantra "Everything you see on Saturday, See it in NCAAF" I feel it will always be considered little brother to Madden.
What you just said is the point. We on this board are a small, small piece of the 1.6 million in the Ncaa community. There is a whole 879 people on this site right now.

The NFL will always be bigger than college football. Madden will always sell 5.5 million to Ncaa's 1.6 million.

You are fooling yourself if you want, or think college football will ever be bigger than the NFL.

You all will be less frustrated, when you realize that what ever sells the most copies is going to be the highest priority. While it would make the game so much better, formation subs will not get new consumers to buy Ncaa.

Anything new will always be marketed in Madden with a footnote that it will be in Ncaa. And buy nature, Madden is a smaller game(less teams and less stadiums) than Ncaa. So there is more room to work with. So it will always seem like Madden is crushing Ncaa and Ea wants it to be that way.

They hear our requests and they start with a list that gets trimmed down every year. Making and selling a video game is a business and disk space is limited. If you were in charge of EA and you put in formation subs, you would get fired with a quickness. Business wise it would be stupid as h#ll to put in formation subs with the disk size and consumer market the way it is right now.

If we really want a better game, everybody should buy a ps3 and complain about the 360's disk drive size. Once Microsoft moves to a true next generation system with a larger disk drive, we will have a football game so much better than what we have now. Then they(EA) wont have to choose sales features over formation subs and custom playbooks.
Thats what the community should be doing.
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