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Old 06-18-2009, 10:12 AM   #138
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callmetaternuts's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Video: Oklahoma @ Florida (Adjusted Sliders)

These decisions are just unbelievable. Sliders not being effective completely amgnify some of the broken issues. If the pass rush was neutered on default AA, but we could enhance it via sliders, I could live with it. But the fact that portions of the game still play the same wonky way as last year, and WE CANT CHANGE THEM, is just ridiculous.

Sliders were broken last year, they were (supposedly) fixed in the patch, now we are back to the same place? I'm holding out hope that they actually do work and for some reason, this is just a goof up.

But some of the other issues, the way the CPU QB wont take a sack, the lack of pass rush, the fact that you can bring 6 guys and have it picked up EVERY SINGLE TIME is infuriating. I play 95% User vs CPU in offline dynasty. I play a sim game, on Heisman, no money plays, run the ball, set up the pass, play real D, blitz as needed. I usually get 5+ seasons in to my dynasty. Last year, I made it 1.5 because it go so old. I could score on every other play it seemed. Playing defense wasnt fun. I just super simmed it becuase all i did was call zone and hope that my D shut them down. I couldnt get pressure, man defense was broken, so why even bother.

Now, its not fixed for this years game (the pass rush). At this point we have to accept it. Its obviously a very clear gameplay decision that was made. How else can you explain it being left out in 3 different occassions (09, patch 09 and 10)? This is the way they want the series to play out.

Now some people might say, "They can still patch it this year". IF they fix it in a patch, that will be a welcome addition, but why wait until then? This was a known issue with the game and the community. Patches should only be used to fix huge bugs, not to add features because they were busy adding game fluff.

Just unbelievable. We saw what happened to Ortiz and team as they focused on the fluff (ring builder), what happens here? The game has to take a DRASTICALLY different approach in years moving forward, thats obvious.
Check out my Tampa Bay Buccaneers CFM Thread.

You too can be a 5* recruit at FSU.......

Originally Posted by TwelveozPlaya21
add worthless Xavier Lee to that list..
Originally Posted by MassNole
CFL here he comes. Pfft, wait that would require learning a playbook. McDonalds here he comes.
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