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Old 06-27-2009, 04:37 PM   #47
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Re: NBA Live 10 Blog: Synergy Sports Technology: From the NBA Draft to NBA Live 10

Originally Posted by Mintsa
Bargnani a bust ???? No. If anyone actually watched him play from December onwards will tell you he's not a bust. He was averaging around 18 & 8 with a couple of blocks in there as well since december. He really snapped out of the funk he was in when he finally got some playing time every night on a consistant basis. If he keeps improving like he did last season.......... the word will get out and nobody on here will call him a bust.

Your not going to see Bargnani highlights on sports center on a nightly basis. So I can see why people still dont know about his improved play of last season............but just ask any raptor fan or anybody that actually watches the raptors every game and they will tell you that from december onward Bargnani was one of the best if the best raptor on a night to night basis for the last 50-60 or so games of the season.

end of rant (i fell better now)

Edit: Sorry for taking the thread off topic.......
Ahh, relying on stats to tell the story? Always a big mistake. Bargnani is a softie who can't defend the post and is embarrassed when he tries to defend the perimeter. He is a jump shooter with no rebounding or passing skills to speak of. As long as the Raptors have two finesse bigs they will never make deep playoffs runs.
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