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Old 07-05-2009, 08:35 PM   #40
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Re: pro tak vs backbreaker takle system

Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA
Euphoria is cool but has one fatal flaw and that is that players cannot really struggle once collisions occur. Every "tackle" is going to be a missile-style collision, unless they used canned motion capture style or tackles.

My question to pose (seriously) - would you be willing to give up the fact that the ballcarrier can no longer struggle for extra yards to have physics-driven tackles?
absolutely not. while those physics and the basic concept of backbreaker look cool, i think madden's tackling has come a long way, especially from last year. pro-tak looks pretty awesome, espeially when players are fighting for yards and guys are pushing the pile. this is the first year of the technology too so it can only get better. one thing that i don't like about the physics / tackling is post-tackle where players slide around when they hit the ground, especially if it's going to be on another player. there's warping and it's like some sort of force field is between the guy going down and the field or another player around him. i'd post a clip where i saw it again in this year's E3 footage but i think you get the gist. not sure if this was addressed but i still like pro-tak and any minor things like this that aren't addressed.
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