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Old 08-01-2009, 02:29 AM   #93
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bcruise's Arena
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So what's everyone's favorite class so far? Mine is the worker because I enjoy doing things that can benefit the whole team. Upgrading the worker itself also leads to getting those huge bombs that can wipe out about a half-screen worth (friend and foe alike!).

For pure combat I think I like the warrior - it's basic class is very useful even after you get it upgraded (the shield - it blocks more than arrows ). And it turns into a death machine when you do get it upgraded, though you give up the defense.

Couple of little tidbits I've noticed so far (the instructions are ok, but they don't tell everything:

First and foremost - standing still will recover your life. If you're hurt, just don't move and your guy will plop down and recover his health within a few seconds. Obviously if you're worried about getting attacked you can head for an outpost or the inside of you're castle walls, because you are defenseless for a few seconds if you try to get up in a hurry.

In games with AI players, you can get 3 of them to follow you around and cover you (if it's a priest, he'll probably heal you, too). They aren't the sharpest tools in the shed though - so don't expect them to do everything. Press up on the D-pad to call one of them over and down to let one go, again you can have 3 at a time.

Along with being the only class that can build, workers also seem (IMO) to be the best at destroying objects. Not only is the axe quick, it seems to do a good deal of structure damage, so they're great to have in a gate-storming group. Then there's that bomb...

I do have one question - what triggers the kings's message "Help! We're being ganked!!" Is it a base attack or something else, because I know there's one specifically mentioning that (and if you know internet lingo, it's hilarious ). Also, there's actually a statistic for "times ganked", so I'm just not sure what the context is in this game.

Loving this game, just wish I wasn't having so many problems connecting to a game. It just launched though, so I'll be patient.

Last edited by bcruise; 08-01-2009 at 02:39 AM.
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