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Old 08-24-2009, 08:44 PM   #6
slickdtc's Arena
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Re: Is Clinton Portis The Most Disrespected RB In The League?

Originally Posted by The15thunter
he's not flashy, nor does he have one truly gamebreaking, highlight reel quality. he's not a big bruiser like brandon jacobs, he doesn't have the otherwordly athleticism of adrian peterson or reggie bush, he's not a touchdown machine like tomlinson, he's just a running back who's very good at everything.
This sounds about right to me.

Ever since his move to Washington, he's become just an extremely solid running back. It seems he left those flashes of incredible brilliance behind in Denver, but in turn transformed into more of a workhorse back (which is what Gibbs traded for him to be) who is very good at all things a running back must do. Probably the most complete back in the NFL. Because he isn't the very best at any of what he does, he gets overlooked by fans.

Gotta love his multiple personas, though! Love how he doesn't take himself too seriously.
NHL - Philadelphia Flyers
NFL - Buffalo Bills
MLB - Cincinnati Reds

Originally Posted by Money99
And how does one levy a check that will result in only a slight concussion? Do they set their shoulder-pads to 'stun'?
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